3~The Call

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Hey dudes! I know this story is just starting off but it means so much that you guys actually read this. So, as I showed in the first chapter, Charlotte is the very talented Katharine Isabelle. Hopefully I'll update every SINGLE day so this story will get longer faster

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Day After The First Attack

I rode in silence back home with my mom. We had just left the hospital after the morning at school. I was let out after a few hours with only a sprained ankle and a couple scrapes.

The ride was too silent. I didn't know what to say, though. How was I supposed to start? "Hey mom, so how was your day? Mine involved of killing my best friend and being mentally scarred." No.

Finally, my mom spoke.

"Char... look. I wanted everything to be... normal when your father left. God, I swore to myself that I'd keep you all safe but I just watched my own daughter jump out of a window! What kind of mother am I?" She yelled. I wasn't in the mood for that conversation.

"You're not a bad mom! That was my own freaking choices. Don't beat yourself up." I muttered. My mom sighed but didn't defend her case. I was really happy about that. Sometimes I just can't take her anymore. Sure, I love my mom more than anything, but ever since dad left us for some twenty year old prostitute, she's been upset over everything.

My mom parked the car in the driveway and I slipped out of the car. I had left my backpack and phone - everything- at school. I don't think I'll be getting it back anytime soon.

"Come on Char." My mom called as she unlocked the front door. I hurried as fast as I could with a sprained ankle after her. With enough anesthetics, I barely feel any pain anymore in it. It's almost numb.

I shut the door behind me and leaned against the door. It was a few hours earlier when I was getting ready for school. Marcie was texting me to hurry my butt to school... although she used a more fun wording.

I shook the thought from my head and wobbled up the stairs to my bedroom. I flicked on the hallway lights and heard a groan from Matthew in his bedroom.

"Turn off the damn lights. I'm trying to sleep." He muttered. I ignored him and went on into my room. I sat on my bed and groaned, collapsing onto the pillows dramatically.

Hey, I have every right to be dramatic right now.

Matthew stumbled into my room, half asleep. His light brown hair was sprawled over his head and his eyes were mostly shut.

"Charlotte, I asked you to turn off the lights. Some people have had a bad day and are trying to get five minutes of sleep without their annoying little sister waking them up." He snapped. I shot straight up.

"You think you had a bad day? You better hope mom didn't tell you anything yet or I'm going to kill you." I growled. Matthew raised an eyebrow.

"What was mom supposed to tell me?" He asked, slightly interested. I'm pissed.

"My school was attacked today. Marcie is freaking dead. I had to... God!" I yelled. I grabbed a pillow from my bed and threw it at him. Matthew muttered something under his breath and left my room. I'd be surprised if he understood a word I said.

When he's not drunk, Matthew is sleeping. I missed out in having a responsible, role model brother by a long shot.

I'm surprised I slept at all last night. My rest didn't last long, though. I was awoken to my mother's frantic face.

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