Searching the City

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Maybe it was the eerie stillness, or the fact that her only light came from the moon, but as Aris walked through the city, she held the knife tightly between her fingers. Her wrist hurt again, but the pain was less than it used to be.

She passed more buildings than she could count. Most of them were low, and all covered with dirt. But as she continued on, they began to grow larger, both in length and height. There were no plants to be seen, no green whatsoever. Only brown and tan. Aris suddenly wished for a flashlight.

There was suddenly a click to the right, a low buzz following it. Aris quickly spun around, dagger poised. Sage fluttered her wings nervously. The two stared into an open doorway. A soft, white glow shone from inside the building and Aris's curiosity pricked. She slowly inched forward, dagger in front. With a rapid heartbeat, Aris peered around the corner of the doorway. She almost crumpled to the ground in relief when seeing Taleryn. Reassured, she stepped inside.

The room was larger than the one she had fallen asleep in. It had the same soft, carpet-like flooring, but instead of rimming the interior, it covered the entire area except for one corner. In the corner was another circular object, with the four transparent structures around the black one. Taleryn crouched by them. With shock, Aris realized that the transparent ones were the source of the glow.

The furniture in the room were arranged to face the strange structures.

"Taleryn?" she asked, voice far too loud in the still abode.

The woodland elf glanced up quickly. Upon seeing Aris, he relaxed, then looked back to the strange crystals. "I found the reason for these. They seem to be the light source for the people who lived here."

She walked over and crouched down next to him, the blanket brushing against the floor. Her eyes gazed curiously at the peculiar objects.

"What are they?" she asked, voice hushed. Sage leaned forward slightly, gazing at the structures with equal curiosity.

"I have no idea," Taleryn replied.

"How do they produce light?" The question was just as directed towards the elf as it was towards herself. Aris reached forward and gently touched one of the transparent structures. It was cool, not at all like light bulbs back home. She said, "How can they still work after this city has been abandoned for so long?"

"We do not know how long this place has been desolate," Taleryn responded. "For all we know, a large natural disaster could have struck fairly recently."

Aris shivered at the possibility.

"Taleryn! Waverly!"

Both whirled around and saw Tilan looking at them from the doorway. The shadow elf squinted her eyes against the light and inquisitively stared at the two.

"I haven't found anything of use," she admitted hesitantly. The warrior slowly walked in, shielding her eyes from the brightness. "All the clothes I touch crumble and no food and water can be found. What is... this?"

"I do not know what to call it," Taleryn responded honestly. He pointed towards a small section of the circular platform where dirt had been scraped off. Beneath, there was a small panel that consisted of two levers. "I noticed a bump in the dirt, and picked at it until this was visible. These objects began glowing once I pulled the first lever down."

"What does the second lever do?" Aris asked.

Taleryn shrugged. "I do not know."

The girl cast a glance at the two elves, expression asking for permission. Tilan nodded and Taleryn's eyes were wide with curiosity. Then Aris glanced to the fairy perched on her shoulder, and though her eyes seemed scared, Sage gave a slight bob of her head. Aris took a deep breath and pulled the lever down. Instantly, the transparent structures started moving. They erected themselves, until they were completely upright. And, then, with a small, breathy noise, they all rose slightly.

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