The Resistance Group

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The animal slowed somewhat in the tunnel, but continued at a fast pace. Aris felt Raven's head lean against her shoulder for support. She didn't dare risk a glance, but she imagined that Faril was helping him stay upright, but still allowing him to lean against her. His right arm wound around her waist, clutching her shirt tightly. His other, though, just stayed limply on her leg.

Aris tried to move as little as possible during the ride. She worried about Raven. Was he going to be okay? The fall must've been harder than she originally thought.

The beast she rode finally slowed and exited the tunnel, coming to a much larger place. It was a clearing consisting of grass and a clear lake. Trees surrounded the area where the stone cliff didn't. The sky was still dark, but stars illuminated the area. The moon and its reflection shone on the water brightly.

The beast slowed just to a walk as he passed the lake. Looking in, Aris felt awe at what an amazing blue it was. Even in night, it was light-colored and even seemed to glow. Suddenly, a person sprang from its depths. Aris gasped and leaned back quickly. When Raven groaned and grasped her tighter, she stilled herself.

The person in the lake seemed to be supported by water. It ran from her waist to the lake's surface and then up again. Her hair was blue and flowed in curls down to her waist. It was decorated with underwater flowers and shells. The person's eyes were naturally narrowed, and the iris glowed silver. Her skin was tan and had tattoo-like designs running up her legs, arms, stomach, and face. And finally her clothes consisted of seaweed, covering her body like bandages. And yet, it still showed much of her skin: most of her legs, stomach, and all her arms.

"We are never doing this again," she spoke to the beast Aris rode.

The animal first placed Chrissy gently on the ground, then dryly said, "I'm glad you enjoyed yourself. Where are the others?"

The woman threw her arms up, fists pointing to the sky. Instantly, the rest of the group appeared out of the water: Tilan, Astil, Taleryn, Hacker, and Kodi. They grasped the sides of the lake and coughed up water, all breathing deeply.

The woman in the water gingerly stepped her foot on the grass. The water fell from her legs.

"We thank you for the assistance," Faril said, getting off the back of the beast. "But if you don't mind me asking, who are you?"

The shadow elf moved to Tilan, who he pulled up by the breastplate she wore. Aris felt Raven's arms tighten again for extra support.

"My name is Klovic," the beast answered.

Faril set Tilan on her feet.

"I hate the water," she said, working her shoulders in circles.

"The mer is Lyra Neona," Klovic continued, motioning towards the water woman.

Mer? Aris wondered, gazing at the woman. A sea creature.

"We're a part of a... resistance group, I guess you could say. Ever since the Empire set foot in the rift, the dragons have been turned against each other. We help those we can."

"The Empire was here?" Tilan asked.

Faril picked up Astil like a baby and carried her from the water. She groaned.

"I think I might've busted some ribs," she said.

Kodi scratched his way out of the water, where he padded over to Chrissy and lay down. Taleryn helped Hacker out.

"Prince Sajen himself," Klovic answered Tilan. "He's a very persuasive elf. He somehow turned woodland creatures from shadows. But I wasn't there to see it."

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