Hollowness and Tech-Bracelets

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Restlessness filled Ravlynn Kasin. He was tired of laying still. He had been doing it all night. Shadow elves weren't built for such a long rest. With his hands rested across his stomach, he gazed up at the cave ceiling. His head leaned against a small, but smooth stone. It was covered with moss, so comfortable enough to lie on. Glancing up, the elf could see Kodi out of the tops of his eyes. The sarba was fast asleep, lungs falling up and down slowly. Chrissy lay next to the big ball of fur. Her eyes were open, ears twitching, but the girl was smart enough to know not to get up. Her leg would hurt if she did. And, finally, Raven's eyes landed on the person lying on the other side of the cave. Astil.

Astil Estrid's head lay on a rock similar to Raven's. Her eyes were open. They were light brown color with golden flecks mingling inside. The flecks danced around in her orbs like ballerinas, some twirling on the spot and still others chasing their brothers. It was beautiful to watch.

Astil's pale skin was smooth and black hair silky. In her horizontal position, the midnight strands cascaded smoothly over her left shoulder and traveled the distance down to her waist. Astil's lips were dark red, not a usual trait among shadow elves and considered a symbol of beauty. She wore black pants and short, red tunic that had slits over her hips. But her white feet were bare, as were her hands.

Raven stared at the girl, unable to bring himself to glance away. She was so beautiful. It had been so long since the two had been alone in the palace, discussing plans of a future marriage. He remembered how excited she had been at the prospect of having children. She had always dreamt of it. Even in her childhood. And Raven could clearly see her being a mother. She would be so good at it.

"Are you going to continue staring at me or go back to resting?" Astil's teasing voice asked, her lips a smirk.

Raven snapped his eyes back to the ceiling, muscles tightening. She giggled. Her laughter was like a joyous song to his ears.

"You always did get embarrassed when I caught you staring." The shadow elf turned her head to look at him. "I guess some things never change."

Hesitantly, Raven glanced to Astil and saw her smiling at him. He felt his heart yearn to have her in his arms. Why was she so far away?

Astil glanced back to the ceiling, smile fading a little. "Do you wish you were out there with them?"

Seeing her before him, he knew the answer right away. "No."

"Why not? Aris is with them," she responded, angling a thin eyebrow.

There was a small pause, where Raven finally said, "Astil..."

"I understand, Raven," she interrupted. The elf turned on her side, grimacing a little in pain. Resting her head against her right arm, she gazed at him with brown eyes. "It's been five years. Maybe you're just," she shrugged, "ready to move on."

He peeled his eyes from hers. "Don't talk like that."

"Why not? We were younger, Raven. It was a past life-"

"One that I wished was still the present," he responded. The banished prince glanced to her again. "Are you saying you no longer wish for a future together?"

Her eyes softened, a dark grey clouding the brown. "I'm not saying that at all. But I would understand if you-"

"If I nothing," he interrupted. "You're the one I love, Astil-"

"Then why do you act differently whenever she's around? Why do you call her "doll?" Why do I catch you staring at her all too often?"

His eyes showed pain and he broke his stare once again. His chest hurt; his heart squeezed. Why couldn't they go back to simpler times? When their only worries were what time they should marry, who they would invite, what decorations they should use... It should never have turned like this. Not to a world where his brother was a traitor and he felt himself falling for someone else.

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