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I woke up not knowing where I was. I was laying on my back, staring up at a dirt ceiling. I stood up and scanned my surrounding. I noticed I was in a cave-like structure, and with the arcing ceilings I assumed we were in the interior of a hillside. I walked over to one side of my "cell" and saw that there were stone bars but they were hard to see considering it was dark outside. I grabbed at the jagged stone and pulled but nothing happened. I slowly turned noticing a figure in the corner of the room. The girl.
I poked her in hopes that she would wake up. She made a grunting sound then turned over. When she turned I noticed she was laying atop something. It was a bronze staff, half her size. I picked it up and noticed it had intricate designs upon the weapon. It portrayed a stick-like figure holding two medallions. Above them the sun blazed, bathing them in majestic light, giving them a powerful essence. I lugged the heavy staff to the stone bars that encaged me like a wild animal. Out of anger from all that had happened I swung the weapon at the bars and the grey stone shattered as if it were glass. I strapped the staff to my back using some fabric from my shirt and began to sprint away, into the unknown until I realized something. Even though she had somewhat betrayed me, I wouldn't be alive, forcing myself to make this decision. I ran back to the cell and picked her up. I quickly ran back out and realized it was nicer in the cell.
     Even though we were consumed by the darkness of the night, I instantly felt a shock through my nerves. Cold. I looked down at my feet, and my worn brown boots were consumed in powder-like snow. I reached toward my wrist, hoping to change the darkness to light with my bracelet, but I quickly realized I no longer possessed the power of the Torch so I pushed the unwanted thought out of my mind and pursued forward. I quickly realized these conditions were too harsh for me handle, let alone the girl's limp body so I retreated back to the cell where it was somewhat warmer. I laid the girl's body down and did the same, allowing my mind to drift off into space as I quickly fell asleep.
     When I woke up, I hastily thanked my brain for not giving me the the dreaded curse called nightmares and packed up my few treasures. I forced myself to walk out into the cold outside. I noticed we were atop a mountain. I looked all around the area and noticed a peculiar thing about my surroundings.
     To my right a few miles the snowy climate drastically came to a halt, where a wet, and rainy area picked up. To my left was a beautiful scenery. The colors of autumn: red, orange, and yellows, conquered that area of my view. The grass looked brown and the leaves about ready to fall. Straight across from me was a very green area. I noticed a large field and a fair sized forest. There was a cliff with a water tumbling over the side. I made an assumption that that was where I had appeared onto this mystical world at the beginning. The thing that my eyes continually glanced at was the center. Where all the sections met, there was an enormous tower. It was a deep maroon color with gold lines decorating the sides. At the top, the line met to form an abstract shape that looked like a deformed sun. I didn't want to think of what that building could be meant for so I shook that treacherous thought out of my mind and moved on.
     After an hour, we had made effective progress. I turned around, the icy wind blowing in my frost-bitten face. I looked up and could see a minuscule dent in the snowy mountain top, where we had been encaged.  I trudged through the thick snow, hoping to gain access to the section of this land that, maybe just my imagination, but it somewhat represented spring. I set the girl down and fell backwards, allowing myself to rest on the mountainside. I looked at the bleak, gray sky, with a blinding white sun shining upon me, making the snow seem to have a magical aura. I took a deep gulp of fresh air, relieving all pain and stress from my sore arms. I slowly rose, snow sticking to my clothes. I began to walk down the mountainside, pacing myself so I wouldn't tire. The journey felt much quicker from that point and before I realized, I was at the point where the snow turned to slush, and grass began to grow, full of life. I stepped over, crossing into a new land and the limp girl in my arms took a big, deep breath of the fresh, spring air and her amber eyes fluttered open.
     "Where..." She asked softly. I explained to her the whole story about being in the cell, the different sections of the land, and our monotonous journey down the mountainside.
     "So," I ventured, "do you know what that tall building is." I hoped she'd answer but she seemed shy to the subject.
     "You don't want to know, seriously." She said with such force in her voice it convinced me I didn't want to know. Without any communication, I began to walk into the green forest, alone.
     "You know I didn't abandon you back there," she said as if I was supposed to know this fact. "I was looking for a way out, I was going to come back to get you, but..."
     "I know, I know those girls are insane, we need to steer clear from them." I said, feeling the most comfortable I'd been since I showed in this world. I finally felt as if I could trust her, without having any doubt floating in the back of my mind.
     "By the way," she said with a sly look upon her face,"my name is Skih."

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