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I stumbled out of my "house" as I called it and walked through the woods. I slowly walked through the tall trees. I noticed in front of me, there was a "wall" of dark green and brown vines. I jogged over to the vines and brushed my hand on a particularly thick vine and the moment I felt the sticky texture of it I heard a whizzing noise and saw an arrow stuck into a tree behind me.
I darted over to a bush and hid behind it as a volley of arrows flew over me. I grabbed a handful of stones and through them into the area where the arrows came from. I heard a female voice say "ow" and then I charged to the vines and gripped the one I had touched earlier and it began to move through the wall of vines until I was swaying above a large, dark void. I heard the vines rustling and saw another vine move and a small figure was hanging from it.
The figure suddenly let go and fell to the bottom of the vine and then wrapped its feet around and hung upside down. The shadowy figure reached for an object on its back. A few seconds later another arrow whizzed above me and cut clean through the vine. I heard it snap and then I tumbled into the darkness when I suddenly looked at my wrist and saw my bracelet glint in the light. I hastily looked for the lit torch and touched it. Suddenly, the void I was in lit up and I saw hundreds of vines hanging from the top of the rocky cave-like void. I heard I high pitched voice yell "what?" And I saw the figure let go of their vine out of confusion and fell with me. I fell through the void for about forty-five minutes then I saw the base of it. I saw a rocky bottom with a black river with white foam washing up on to the sharp shore. I touched the unlit torch on my bracelet and closed my eyes so I wouldn't see my rocky doom. I waited for a hard, painful end but I went under the water and it felt so ice cold I almost became paralyzed from the frosty river. I kicked my stiffened legs and slowly floated to the surface. Once my head popped out from the water I gulped in the stale, odorous air of the void.i dragged myself into the surface and saw the figure who had fallen with me. I crawled over the rocky surface over to the figure. I noticed it was a girl about my age. She had a long, brown ponytail that was dripping water. She wore dark pants, a brown leather jacket and s soaked t-shirt. I shook her and she mumbled to herself then slowly sat up. Then she began to rub her eyes and when they opened she quickly stood up, and did a back flip using her hands to boost herself up and pulled out two dagger and said:
"Who are you and why are you here?" I slowly backed up until my feet were in the water.
"I-i don't know how I got here and honestly, I don't want to be here." I said with confidence growing within me. "Who are you anyway?" I asked, "are you apart of that crazed girl group?"
"I USED to be in that group but I left and I'll tell you who I am when I want but for now I'm here to help you." She said as she put her daggers away.
"Well if you were wondering, I'm Joseph."

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