Eiffel tower

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katherine's pov

i dialed ashley's number....

"who are you calling" harry asked

"my sister in law"i chuckled

he threw the cushion at me...as if that was gonna hurt...

"hello"ashley said 

"umm hey ashley,what are you doing"i asked awkwardly

"oh i was just watching a movie"she replied

"i was hoping if we could meet,you know you,me,brother and harry"i said

there was no respond from the other side...

"ash you there"i asked

"oh yeah i'm sorry...i don't know i'm not feeling like going out"

"oh come on ashley,i'm here for only few days and i was really hoping we could  hangout" i pretended to sound sad..

"okay,where do you wanna go"she said

i jumped from the couch "how about dinner tonight"i said excitingly

"okay,i'll tell damon"

"okay,bye ash,see you tonight"i hung up

and literally jumped on top of harry..

"what the hell,get off of me you're really heavy"harry growled

"excuse me,heavy??"i questioned

"so what did she say"he asked

"she said that she would go with us for dinner,double date"i winked

"is damon going to be there too"he asked

"well of course he will be there dummey,didn't you listen to what i was talking"i rolled my eyes

"and how do you think she'll come back to me,your plan sucks..i'm not going"he said as he got up and went to the bathroom..

you've got to be kidding me..i stood up and walked to the bathroom

"what do you mean by you're not going"i said as i stood outside the bathroom

"i'm not going means i'm not going,i don't want to see that stupid demon or damon whatever go all lovey dovey with ash"his voice sounded annoyed

i barged inside the bathroom..

"hey i'm trying take a piss here,get out"he shouted as he tried covering his manhood with his hands

"don't you ever lock the door"i asked still standing infront of him

"GET OUT"he shouted again

"are you coming or not"i asked 

"why should i come,to watch them be all mushy with each other..i'm sorry i think i'll pass on that"

"just do what i say okay,trust me i know what i'm doing"i replied

he thought for a second and responded "fine i'll go,now get the hell outta here i've gotta pee"

i went out and closed the door...i searched in harry's suitcase for  nice clothes to wear for tonight..

i found a frame which had his and ashley's picture,it was taken in a carnival as there was a giant ferris wheel behind them..

"you're a lucky girl ashley,harry really loves you..this time i'm giving him up but next time i'll make sure he's mine"i whispered as i pointed my finger at her picture...

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