I got ready for the party, I blow dried my hair as well as straightened it a bit. I applied my usual every day makeup which was very natural it consisted of a light weight foundation with concealer under my eyes and mascara. I picked out a tight halter white lace dress that tied in the back of my neck. It sat on my body like it was made just for me, hugging my curves just the right way and the white was just a perfect color, it brought out the pigment in my skin making me look a little bet less pale.
I actually had to lie to my parents about the party, I knew they wouldn't let me attend anywhere that people would possibly get drunk or consume illegal substances like weed or coke. So, basically I told them I was sleeping over Emma's house. Now I have to find a way to sneak out without them seeing me, especially in this dress. But i wasn't going to be able to do it alone, therefore, I asked Ricky to help me and of course he had to receive something in return so I gave him twenty dollars.
I popped my head out of my room door waiting for Ricky to give me any type of signal that meant I could run out of the house. I finally caught a glimpse of his hand signaling me to get out. I grabbed my high heels off the floor and made a run for it.
I ran to Emma's car that thankfully was already parked outside and got in yelling "drive woman! Drive!!!"
The whole ride to the party, Emma wouldn't stop talking. Damn this girl can talk. And on top of that she kept singing the guacamole song.
"peel the avocado, peel the avocado" Emma signs
"Come on Rose join me" she said laughing
I laughed and joined her
"Guacamole, gua-gua-Camole" we both sang
We finally arrived, it was hard finding a parking spot, since there are so many people here. I decided to leave my phone in Emma's car since I didn't bring a purse and my dress didn't have pockets.
We walk into the awaiting pit of drunken hormonal teenagers, and the imminent promise of making bad decisions
"Emma, don't leave my side please" I begged her while I clenched onto her arm
"Ok, but please try to have fun" she said
I nodded my head unsure of how I would be able to have a good time here. This isn't my type of place. I don't do drugs, I don't drink and I'm not looking to hook up with anyone. All the men here are either good looking but conceited, arrogant assholes who think they are gods gift to women or the men who are downright ugly.
We walked through the crowd of intoxicated people swaying their body on the dance floor. We stopped by a little bar. Emma called the bartender and began flirting with him trying to get him to serve her liquor. He ended up serving her a drink even though he knew she was obviously underage.
"Rose, have a drink, it will lighten your mood" Emma said handing me a glass of alcohol
I took it and since the first drop hit my tongue, my body and mind were taken to another place, a wonderful carefree drunken place. The music sounded better, and everyone automatically became more attractive. I found myself drinking more and by now I was drunk up the ass. Suddenly almost everyone at the bar was my new best friend and I told them my whole life story. I apparently promised this girl I would stay in touch with her, we even exchanged numbers.