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I woke up from a very restful and deep sleep, although I was awake, I may as well not have been for how cognitive i was of my surroundings. I did however, notice that my mattress was exceedingly warm and comfortable, so I snuggled into it.

I shifted my weight, lazily bending one leg as I brought it up to cross with my other one.

That is, until I felt it bump into someone's knee.

I opened one eye, still too tired to figure out where I was or the fact that I was laying on someone.

In my sleepy state, I decided I didn't care enough to move, so I closed my eyes, or rather, eye, shifting my arm so it was laying next to my face, instead of encircling whoever the heck was underneath me.

"Wait.." I mumbled groggily, pulling myself up to sit by pressing my palms against the persons chest and leaning back onto my feet.

I rubbed my eyes, trying to clear my blurry vision, feeling the other person move as well.

"Morning." I heard an equally as sleepy voice say.

I pulled my hands away from my eyes, yawning as I opened them. 

One quick look at Calum Hood sitting in front of me scratching his foot in his pajamas caused a yelp to escape from my mouth.

Followed by a shocked jump, making me fall of the bed, hitting my head on the wall on my way down before finally landing on my bum.

As you can imagine, it was extremely lady like.

I rubbed the back of my head, trying to remember exactly what happened last night.

I don't have the best memory when I first wake up, there were times when I literally did not remember who i was.

I'm a pretty stupid tired person.

Keep that in mind if you ever talk to me past nine o clock.


"Did you sleep well? No nightmares?" He asked, stretching his legs out in front of him.


I nodded, standing back up. "Yeah I actually slept really well. Well enough to want to go back to bed." I laughed, shuffling my feet.

"I want to sleep more too." He smiled , snuggling underneath his blankets after patting the spot next to him as an invitation.

I crawled up, pulling the blanket over me.

A laid there for less than a minute, staring up at the ceiling while waiting for sleep yo drift me off to dreamland when I heard Calums breathing deepen and then even out.

Seriously, that kid falls asleep fast.

I flipped onto my side, letting my arm lay in the crook of his side that his hip made, i snuggled my face into his chest.

He really was warm.

And I hoped he didn't mind.

Apparently he wasn't completely asleep yet, or I woke him up, because he pulled me closer until our knees touched, rubbing his hand on my back while talking in my hair.

"Someone's very cozy." 

I yawned, nodding, before drifting into that place where technically i was asleep but I was thinking and was aware of everything around me.

A thought quickly flitted across my mind but I shot it down.

That was most definitely not something you would think of someone who was more of an acquaintance than a friend.

So I used the scientific (ish) approach, my way of taking away all emotions and saying things in an almost mechanical way.

He was kind of a magnet for me. I was drawn to him, in a way. I didn't know why but I wanted to be closer to him and I had to forcibly pull myself away. 

That literally contradicted every boundary and wall I had set up in my entire life.

But, oddly enough, I didn't care.

Maybe it was time I actually did make a friend.

A/N: I hate yooooouuu my WiFi. Rewrote this several times now, so if it doesn't post I'm going to go strangle someone. Sorry I haven't updated in a bit. *remembers I haven't updated the k. Book in months*  maybe I should fix that.... Anyway hope you enjoy this short thing :) 

This stories rather slow moving but I do know where I'm going with it, I'm not just making it up as I go along. :)

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