
17 1 1

"Arrrrggggh." I groaned, throwing my backpack on the floor before i fell on my bed.

Two weeks.

Two weeks since i got laid off.

Two weeks of going to every business in this damn city trying to get a new job.

I'll probably get kicked out in another two weeks.

If i can't pay my share of the rent, i don't get to live here.

I have to get a job.

I rolled over onto my stomach, pulling out my laptop.

After i spent a few hours sending in resume's i figured i needed a break and decided to check my social media.

Nothing could've prepared me for what i saw.

Tons of comments, followers and tags all leading back to a single post :

Five Seconds of Summer posted:

Had a great interview with megan costas today.

My feed had literally blown up.

And apparently so had the video.

I also had a few new private messages, and quickly checked them, skimming through all the usernames i didn't recognise until i found a few i did.

That's odd.

I clicked on the message, reading through quickly before staring at it blankly, reading it over and over again.


Had an interesting talk with you today, and i'm sorry you got fired for it.

But i was wondering what your answer was to the whole "opportunities" thing.

And, I don't really know what to say now, but i was wondering if we could catch up 'cause i want to hear your answer.

If you don't mind.


"Seriously, what the frick." i mumbled, still staring at my screen.

it took me a bit to reply, only managing to come up with "Yeah, sure".

I don't have the best social skills.

Shortly after I choked down some microwavable mac'n'cheese, i checked my computer again.

He had sent me an address, which i scribbled down, before tugging on my shoes and heading out.

I left a note on the fridge for my roomie just in case she got concerned as to where i was.

The house that i had been given an address for was just a few blocks away, so it didn't take me long to reach it.

I knocked twice, but when no one came to the door i started thinking about how stupid it was that i was there in the first place and i should be applying for jobs, not waiting around to chat.

I turned around, quickly heading back down the walkway when i heard the front door open.

"Hey." I mumbled, giving a small wave to the dark haired boy.

I stood there awkwardly for a moment.

"Do you wanna come in or?" Calum askesd, gesturing over his shoulder.

"Oh, yeah, right, sorry." I mumbled, quickly going indoors. "I don't usually talk to a lot of people, so.."

He laughed, leaning up against the wall for a moment. "Its fine, I'm not the best socially either."

I chewed on my lip, letting the silence fall between us again.

"It wasn't my dream."


"Working at a radio station, it wasn't my dream."

"What was?"

I shrugged, looking around at the large entrance hall before placing my hand on the door knob.

"I always thought I would help people."


"Yeah." I nodded, staring at my feet, shuffling them a bit. "Its kind of stupid, but I always wanted to help kids."

"That's not stupid."

"The stupid part is, I wanted to help kids because i wanted to help kids like me. Be who i needed when I was younger so to speak."

I nibbled on my lip some more, watching calum think.

Funny how sometimes you could almost see the gears turning in a persons mind.

"Its late." I mumbled, turning the handle and swinging the door open. "I should go."

I stepped out into the inky blackness, the only light coming from the house behind me.

"Can i talk to you again sometime?" He called out.

"Sure. Just earlier in the day." I nodded, swiveling around before disappearing around the corner.

A/N: this sucked wow, but I wanted to put up something and my WiFi keeps going out.

*Luke hemmings face*

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