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Panera bread is probably the weirdest restaurant I've ever been to.

Its also the weirdest job I've ever held.

Karly helped me 'study' for my job interview by researching so I could baffle them away.

It worked.

Have you ever been a waitress at a restaurant you've never been too?

Its weird.

Its even weirder when I think that I went from being the intern at one of the largest radio stations in Miami, to being a waitress.

All because of my big mouth.

Why couldn't I have not said anything?

This was my third day at work, and as I hung up my apron I was wallowing in self pity.


I walked home, and I could literally feel myself slipping.

I hated it.

Then again, there wasn't much I didn't hate.

The job wasn't bad, it was easy enough.

It paid the bills, put food on my table.

Left little anything else, but it wasn't like I went out and did much anyways.

By the time I reached my front door, I had thought my way into a hole again.

I didn't speak, or even acknowledge Karly's presence. 

I heard her mutter something about mute, but ignored her.

I walked into my closet, curled up into a ball, and fell asleep.

I awoke throughout the night more than I cared for.

At one point,three nightmares after i had gotten up to change out of my clothes, i spent half an hour staring at a box.

I knew what was in it.

I wanted to look, so desperately, but knew I couldn't.

Not unless I wanted to spend a week with no motivation.

Ha! Like I had motivation as it was.

I pulled out a worn blue fleece piece, and fell asleep with it pressed to my cheek, pretending the scent that had worn off years ago was still there.

"Meg!" I woke up to shouting, and hit my head on the wall as I jerked to sit up, the fleece baby gown falling to my lap.

Karly rounded the corner, and snorted, obviously judging me for sleeping in the closet again.

There's just some things that you don't change.

She crossed her arms, eyes taking in my room. "There's someone at the door for you."

A visitor? I never got visitors.

I scrambled to stand up, racing down the hall and towards the door.

Or rather slammed into the hallway wall, skidded and fell on my butt in the foyer, and finally smashed right into the front door.

I rubbed my shoulder, hearing Karly mumble something about a puppy and a mailman.

Usually the whole run/skid/fall thing only happens when I hear the word 'food'.

But, seeing as i was in a bad mood and had just woken up, you could say the tax collector was at the door and I'd run.

"Gahmornin'." I yawned, palming my face as I swung open the door.

"It's actually afternoon." Calum chuckled. "Nice, uh, pajamas."

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