Chapter Seventeen

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Who knew you could be allergic to a rock? Thanks, science class.

EvErYtHiNg ItChEs


She ran a hand through her hair, wondering how she should approach things with her husband. It was such a.. different.. subject, of Phoebe and Max. Usually they would talk about whatever shananegins they had gotten into, but now, it would be about their relationship.

Even if she was more accepting, the words would still never sound right, even in her own thoughts. She felt guilty, being so.. unsupportive, for lack of a better word. Maybe one day she would actively be okay with them together, but there were so many things that could go wrong.

They were still siblings - if their relationship actually continued, there was still a chance of fallout between them. They would have to move on, but only figuratively. They would have to see each other almost every day, even when they married other people.

Then, there was the chance of everything working in Phoebe and Max's favor. They could end up spending their lives together, as a couple. Even get married, or decide to have kids - would that even be a good idea? There could be so many complications for the child -

Okay, no. They were seventeen - no need to think about kids right now. There was still a good ten years (she hoped) before Barb would need to worry about that.

She found Hank in their bedroom. He was watching TV, some sitcom she'd forgotten the name of, eating a bag of family sized chips. Clearly, they were only Hank-sized. He didn't seem to notice her until she sat down next to him on the bed, weary of the crumbs. (Which he would clean up later, thank-you-very-much.)

"Hey, sweetheart, did you need something?" he asked, setting down his bag of chips.

"Yeah, actually. We need to talk about our children," she started. "I.. Phoebe told me a few things that have been going on - nonexistent in our world - and it has come to my attention that they may actually have feelings for each other."

Hank laughed, "You're just now getting that? Honey, I know it's really not right, but those kids have been making google-y eyes at each other for years. Plus that myth thing, you know. Can't forget that," he popped another handful of chips into his mouth, chewing loudly. Barb sighed.

"Hank, don't give me 'I told you so' crap, can we just discuss this? I mean, Max.. he's going to need help, we need to talk about him as a completely different subject, but.. this relationship or whatever needs to be sorted out. Like, what if they decide to be together, and they end it badly? Or what if it works? Would they even be allowed to get married? Would they have kids? Would they still have kids if they knew the birth defects that could occur? It's something we all need to think about, hon," she says, looking at him seriously. He sighs, wipes his hands on his pants, and turns to face his wife.

"Alright, well, start of with Max. What are you so worried about with him?" Hank asks. Barb swallows, running a hand through her hair.

"Well, Phoebe pulled me aside today, and told me, one-on-one, that Max has been.. Harming himself. On purpose, because of these.. feelings that he has for Phoebe," she explains. Hank immediately sits up straighter, looking affronted.

"Harming himself? Barb, you know who we're talking about, right? Max is a good kid at heart, why would he do something like that? C'mon, hon, it can't be true!" he persists, looking worried at Barb's initial silence.

"I checked his arms, he was sleeping downstairs. Hank, he's covered with marks! There are recent cuts, and scars.. His skin is so torn up and red.." Barb gulped. "It's got to be true, what else would do that to him?" she asks rhetorically.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2016 ⏰

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