Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

      When Max woke up in the morning, he had an awful headache. It felt like a jack hammer was pounding against his skull.

      He sat up in his bed, holding his head, and looked around to see his sister Phoebe asleep in a chair next to him. What happened last night? He asked himself. Then, he remembered the party. The last thing he remembered was telling Phoebe to have a little fun. He must've been drunk.

       He looked at his sister, and remembered how they had shared that kiss the other day. Why had she kissed back? Did she have the same feelings as him? It would be strange, if she did. It must have been a pity kiss. Of course. She's Max's sister. She is the goody-goody in the family. Hell, she's the whole school's goody-goody. Phoebe would never do something so wrong like that.

      Max shifted his eyes over to a razor on a table a few feet away. Phoebe was sound asleep; she'd probably never notice. He went over to the table, picked up the razor, and looked at it for a few moments. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. That's all that played through his head as he lifted the object to his wrist. Maybe the pain in his arms would take away the pounding in his head, as well. He was a super-genius. He knew that the brain could only focus on one "injury" at a time.

      He slowly slid the blade across his wrist a few times, trying to rid himself of the feelings he felt towards his sister. His twin. Of course, the pain never went away, but he could always keep trying.

      After he was finished, he used a nearby towel to stop the bleeding, then pulled his sleeves overtop of the fresh scars.

      Max then went and shook his sister awake. She fluttered her eyes open, then looked at him, groggy. "Max?" Phoebe sat up, now looking alarmed. "You didn't do anything while I was asleep, did you?" Uh oh. How'd she know? Stupid Thundersense. Stupid Twinstincts.

"No, of course not," he told her. Lies.

      "Max, your left eye is twitching. You cut, didn't you?! You promised you'd stop!" Phoebe said, raising her voice a little.

      "I can't help it! It's like I'm on drugs, or something, once I start, I can't stop, and every time I look at you, I have to do it again!" He told her, slapping his hand over his mouth once he realized what he just hinted at. Phoebe did a double take.

      "What? You cut because of me? Why? I never did anything to hurt you Max. I love you; you're my brother."

      "That's the point!" He screamed. They both hoped that no one heard them, because if they did, who knows what would happen.

      "Max, what are you saying?" Phoebe asked him, her voice barely above a whisper. Max almost didn't hear her. He stepped forward, until they were only about a foot apart.

"Phoebe, I like you more than I should.." He says.

      "What do you mean? Do you.. Like, like me? Max, that's so wrong.." But it feels so right, she wanted to say. She didn't know that her brother shared her feelings. She stepped forward, now millimeters apart. They leaned in, and..

      "Guys, I heard screaming. Are you two fighting again?" Their mother, Barbara walked down the steps, interrupting what they were about to do.

      So close.. Phoebe thought, quickly stepping away from Max. She tried to think of a cover-up for what they were arguing about. "Oh, yeah, Max was just pranking me again. But, we made up. Everything is fine now, so you can go back upstairs now! I heard that Nora needed more bows, why don't you tend to that? Okay, love you!" She said, pushing her mother back up the steps.

      "You two are acting strange.. Are you keeping something from me?" Barbara asked, walking up the steps.

      "What? No, of course not! Why would you think that? We're just being normal siblings!" Max replied. Their mom looked at them once more, before walking all the way upstairs again, closing the door to Max's room behind her.

      "Well, that was close. Now where were we? Oh, yeah. Okay, Max, you need to tell me the truth. Do you like me in a non-brotherly way?" Like I do?

"Well, yeah, I guess you could say that.."

      "Max, why didn't you tell me this before? We could've talked about it!" Phoebe told him, rubbing his arm. She hated to think that her brother hurt himself because of her. She hated seeing him this way.

      "Because I knew you would make a big deal about it! It isn't right, I know! Why do you think I do what I do? Because I hate what I feel! And I just wish that you would like me back so that I wouldn't have to be this way, but you definitely don't, an- Mmph!" Phoebe had cut him off with a kiss, holding his face in her hands. They pulled apart after a few seconds.

"Who said I didn't like you back?"












I'm sorry for the long wait! I got caught up with school work. Sorry it's a short chapter, but I think it was okay. :)

As always, thanks for reading!

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