Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

Phoebe and Max had finally arrived at the party, and their jaws dropped. There was probably around a hundred people there, and the party had only started ten minutes ago. Whatever happened to 'fashionably late'? It was louder than a helicopter taking off in there.

They went inside the house, and met the senior who threw the party, who they found out was named Zachary.

"Are you enjoying the party?" Zachary asked- no, shouted- to Phoebe and Max.

"Yeah! Why is it so loud in here?" Phoebe asked. He smiled.

"That's the sound of fun, Theebie!" He said.

"It's Phoebe." Phoebe told him. He narrowed his eyes.

"No, I'm pretty sure it's Theebie." He said, scratching his chin.

"I think I know my own name," she said.

"You think? Shouldn't you know your name?"

"Ugh, whatever. Come on, Max." Phoebe said, grabbing Max's hand and dragging him over to the table that held various snacks. A bowl of chips, punch, salsa, and others of the sort. They both grabbed a cup, and filled it up with punch. Phoebe smelt the punch first, just to be safe, and found that it smelt like alcohol. Not good.

"Max, don't drink the punch," she warned him. He rolled his eyes.

"Why not?" He asked.

"Because it was spiked with alcohol!" She tried. He rolled his eyes once again.

"You're just afraid of having fun," Max said, taking a sip of the punch. Phoebe winced. She didn't think her parents would like it if she brought an underage drunk home. As in, their son.

"Max, I don't think-" Phoebe tried, but faltered, seeing him finish his cup, then pour more from the punch bowl. He continued doing this, until Phoebe saw he was clearly tipsy.

"Whoo! Let's have some fun!" Max shouted, stumbling. Phoebe grabbed his arms, and dragged him to the front door.

Maybe coming to this party wasn't such a good idea. She thought, opening the door and leading her brother outside.

"Where are we going? Neverland?! Oh, I've always wanted to go there.." He continued rambling on, while Phoebe took him home. In her head, she was trying to come up with an excuse as to why Max was drunk, but she couldn't think of anything, but the truth. She would have to tell her parents that they were actually at a high school party, and that Max had been drinking the spiked punch.

They arrived home about twenty minutes later, to see that their family was still up and awake. Great.

Phoebe got Max to finally shut up, then dragged him into their house, to be met with their parents looking worrisome, seeing Max act so weird.

"Hey, Mom, Dad. How was your night?" She asked. Max reached his arm up and tried to grab something he shouldn't grab, but Phoebe slapped his hand away.

"Is he drunk?" Barbara asked her daughter. Phoebe winced.

"Yeah..But, I have a not-so reasonable explanation!" She said, pulling Max closer to her when he tried to wander off.

"Go on." Hank said, crossing his arms over his chest, wanting to hear this 'explanation.'

"Well, the thing is, we didn't really go and hang out with friends… We went to a high school party, and, well.. The punch was spiked; it smelt of alcohol. I told Max not to drink it, but he didn't listen! I'm really sorry that we lied to you." Phoebe explained. Her mother sighed, biting her lip, and looking at Max.

"Alright. But, what do we do with him? We can't just let him wander around the house; what if his powers start to go berserk?" She asked.

"Well, we could just lock him in his bedro- I mean, lair, until he falls asleep?" Hank suggested.

"Sounds good! Come on, Max." Phoebe started pulling him over to the entrance to his 'lair.'

"Wait! Phoebe, make sure he doesn't do anything stupid, will you? I'm going to have a really big talk with him tomorrow. Or, the next day...Hangover is going to kill him tomorrow." Barbara said. Phoebe nodded, then locked herself and her brother in his room.

"Alright, Max, get in bed." She told him. He looked at her, then smirked.

"So forward! I like it." He said, leaning forward, and kissing her on the lips. She pushed him away.

"Max, no. You're drunk; you don't know what you're doing." She told him.

"Just 'cause I'm drunk doesn't mean I don't know what I want." He said. Phoebe's jaw dropped to the floor, and her eyes widened like saucers. Maybe if he was admitting to this, he would admit to why he cut? It was worth a shot.

"Hey, Max? Why do you cut?" She asked.

"Because of you, babe." He replied. Phoebe scrunched her eyebrows together in confusion. Because of her? Why would he…

Then, it all made sense. The way he looked at her, him kissing her, and the way he's acting.

'Just because I'm drunk doesn't mean I don't know what I want…'

Max likes her! Well, it does make sense; drunk in the mind, sober at heart.

Max likes Phoebe, but he knows it's wrong, so he wants to rid himself of those feelings by bringing pain to himself.

"Oh, Max.." Suddenly, she felt sorry for him. It wasn't his fault that he liked her. And, she liked him back. They were siblings, and this was incest, but, who cares? Not them.

Phoebe then decided that she would talk to him about this in the morning.

"Go to sleep, Max." She told him. Surprisingly, he complied, falling asleep within ten minutes. Phoebe tucked him in, then walked upstairs to her bedroom, nervously thinking about what she was going to say to him tomorrow when he woke up.

And, well… She'd have to see how bad his hangover was, too.








Alright, next chapter: Done!

Thank you for reading!




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