Chapter Twelve

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Phoebe was confused. Why had Max ran out like that? He'd acted like usual during dinner, could he have changed his mind that quickly? It had only been a few weeks, and she had assumed that he stopped visiting her because their parents set up some kind of alarm-type thing...

But what if he really just didn't think it was worth it anymore?

Phoebe surely hadn't gotten over this thing or whatever was going on. But then again, this was Max. He could get over a failing grade at the drop of a faucet.

It took him self-harm to try and get over her...

Max couldn't be over Phoebe. It just seemed impossible. Unless, somehow, someway, their parents had cracked him, or the cutting started working. Phoebe thought he'd stopped, thought she'd shown him that to her it was all going to be okay. It seemed as if it was all that mattered: them. But the factor of family was never an evident worry, at least not in the front of Phoebe's mind.

Sure, the idea of their family criticizing them was scary and albeit worrying, their parents were kind people who accepted anyone no matter who they are, an exception for insane criminals. They were superheroes, after all. Crime-fighting was in their blood.

Maybe Phoebe could talk to him in the morning... No! That could be too late - Max could fully decide to avoid her by then! She needs to talk to him now. But what would she say? Hey, I noticed that you're acting strange. Are we just normal siblings now? or maybe, Hi, are you my brother or my lover?

Phoebe bit her lip, placing the last of the dirty dishes and tupperware into the sink. She prepared her mind. You've got this Phoebs, it's a one minute conversation! You may have taken his distance the wrong way.

Before she lost her confidence, Phoebe made her was to Max's 'lair,' slowly lifting the couch cushion, which was the secret entrance to the 'lair.' She thought for a moment, wondering if this was the right thing to do, before swallowing her uneasiness and sitting down on the slide to get into her brother's room.


Lying on his side on his bed, Max was flipping through a Villains Weekly magazine, when he heard a clatter up in his side, along with a sqeeee! His eyes widened, and he scrambled to get out of the way, not wanting to be in the way of whoever was coming down that slide. Probably Phoebe, from the sounds of it.

Unfortunately - or maybe fortunately - Max didn't move out of the way in time, and ended up with Phoebe on top of him, a mouthful of light brown hair. He reached up to push the hair out of his mouth, when he realized that his hand was in a very compromising position between Phoebe's legs, and quickly pulled back, wincing at his sister's gasp of surprise. Their faces both red, Phoebe sat up, brushing her hair behind her ear to get it out of Max's face.

She cleared her throat, swallowing audibly as she sees Max bite the inside of his cheek.

"Um, did you need something?" he asked, pushing away from Phoebe.

"Y-Yeah," she responds. They sit there for a moment, before Max rolls his eyes.

"Well, what was it?" Phoebe seems to come out of a trance.

"What was that about?"

"You fell on me after you slid down my slide."

"No! After dinner; you just ran off," she explained simply.

"I'm just tired, Phoebs. I didn't 'run off,' I left with a reasonable explanation," Max said, shrugging his shoulders nonchalantly.

"No, I'm pretty sure you were running off."

"Well I wasn't. You just misinterpreted my leaving."

"No I didn't."

"Yes, you did."






"Max, you did, stop arguing. It gets you nowhere, especially when you aren't even right," Phoebe said, raising an eyebrow.

"Phoebe, I seriously don't know what you're talking about. I guess I get how you thought that I was 'running off,'" he puts air quotes around the words, "but I was there, and I know what I was doing. To put it simply, I was feeling tired, and still am, so I took my leave. So, would you kindly save this argument, or whatever, for the morning? I need my beauty sleep, princess."

Phoebe's jaw dropped. So he's that in denial? What the heck? If he was trying to get away from me, why can't he just admit it? It isn't that big of a deal! I'm just curious, and want him to admit the truth without being defensive...

"Alright, Grumpy. I'll see you in the morning," she said.

And with that, she just walked away.


In the morning, Phoebe decided to just let last night go, and act like the argument didn't happen. She's home from her grandmother's after weeks, and she wants to see her family, even if they sent her away because she was in love with her brother and it was considered wrong.

She sighed, taking out a pan and tray so that she could cook bacon for breakfast. If she was finally back home, why not indulge in her old habits and routines?

A few minutes after she sets the raw bacon on the steaming pan, she hears small feet pattering toward her, and turns around to face Nora.

"Morning, sis'!" she greets cheerfully, taking a seat at the kitchen table, resting her head on a clenched palm. "So, how was you homecoming?" Nora asked, smirking at Phoebe.

"It went well, it's nice to see you guys after I didn't for almost over a month," Phoebe responds truthfully, flinching as grease from the bacon pops over the pan, almost hitting her in the arm. She'd been hit before by hot grease, and it was not a fun experience.

"Oh. I bet it was pretty awkward seeing Max, y'know, after all that stuff happened earlier. It's a shame that you two had to go through that phase," Nora commented, shaking her head ruefully. She knew she was pushing Phoebe's nerves, and she absolutely reveled in it. The best thing ever is to get on calm, nice, patient Phoebe's nerves. Plus, her reactions were the best.

"Um, yeah, that, uh, sucked," Phoebe said, pursing her lips as she tucked a loose strand of hair back behind her ear, suddenly finding the bacon she was cooking very interesting.

"Yeah... I hope that doesn't happen again. It was just terrible to see you two go through that. Thank God it's all over now, right?"

Phoebe;s nostrils flared. She could tell Nora was just pushing to get her to admit that she didn't really get over her liking Max in a lover-ly way, but she couldn't help but get irritated at her teasing and pushing.

"Yeah, thank God."

Nora swallowed, her plan not going where it was supposed to. Even if her siblings were committing incest, she agreed to help Max figure out how Phoebe was feeling. Which was why she came into the kitchen so early, and why Max was standing by the wall of the kitchen, listening in.

Honestly, if they love each other, why can't they admit it? Nora may act like a little sister a lot - i.e. teasing, taunting, and tattle-taling, stereo-typically - but she loved her siblings, no matter what she got up to. All she wanted was for them to be happy.

So, when she heard Max walking away, she sprung at the chance to try and fix the mistake that Phoebe had unknowingly made.


Yayyyyy, new update! :D I am so glad I got over my laziness today and updated like I said I would XD Hopefully this is good! I'm just writing this while I sip on some lemonade and listen to PrestonPlayz ^~^ Have a great Memorial Day!

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