Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

Phoebe pulled away from Max just as she heard footsteps coming down the stairs. They turned and saw that it was their mom.

"Hey, guys. We need to have a talk." She said, giving Max a pointed look. Oh yeah, last night.. They are so in trouble. Max and Phoebe looked at each other, then followed Barbara upstairs, into the living room, where their dad was sitting on the couch, waiting for them. They nervously sat down. There was an uncomfortable silence until Hank broke it.

"Do you know how much trouble you two are in?" He asked. Phoebe winced, knowing that they would get into a lot of trouble, but Max, apparently had other ideas.

"Psh, we're not in any trouble! We didn't do anything wrong, right Pheebs?" Max said, smirking as he looked at her. She raised an eyebrow. Does he really not know that she had to walk his drunk behind home last night? While their parents were home?

"Oh, you're in trouble all right. Phoebe, grounded for a week," Mom told me. I groaned. What about Max, who got drunk, underaged? But, apparently she wasn't finished. "Max, you're grounded until you leave for college." Phoebe tried to hide her smile, while Max's eyes looked like they were going to pop out of his head.

"What?! I didn't do anything wrong! Are you serious right now?" He exclaimed, standing up. Barb and Hank stood up after him.

"Yes, you did. Not really that long, but still, three months." Hank continued. Just as Max was about to complain, Hank cut him off again. "And, no powers. For a week," he finally finished.

"Wha-? Come on!" Max groaned. Phoebe rolled her eyes. Typical Max behavior.

"No buts, or whats. Grounded. Three months. Room, now." Barb commanded, and they both went into their respective rooms.

When Phoebe got to hers, she closed the door behind her, and just layed flat on her bed, staring at the ceiling as she thought about her brother, Max. It was absolutely wrong that she was in love with him. It's gross, it's incest. But she couldn't help it.

And, they were twins. Twins, as in born on the same day, around the same time, same blood stream and gene pool and all. That's what made it worse. They were brother and sister.

At least it wasn't like, a mom-son relationship. Phoebe shivered in disgust at the feeling. Yuck. If anything, she would much rather be in love with her annoying brother than her.. mom.  Do people even fall in love with their moms? It sounds so much more wrong than falling in love with your brother.

She shook her head, trying to get back to her normal - or semi normal - thoughts. About Max.

She didn't even think that he was, like, cute, or hot. Maybe attractive. His personality wasn't even that great. Trying to be a villain all of the time. She really didn't even know why she was in love with him, which was weird. Most girls would spend their hours gushing in their rooms over how sexy, or how sweet their boyfriend is. Hers? Well, hers was an aspiring super villain, who just so happened to be her twin brother.

Yeah. Normal. Not exactly her forte. Or even possible, since she lived in a family of superheroes, in a town of non-supes.

But then, what would her friends think? Cherry? How would she still like her if she knew that her best friend was dating her brother? Cherry probably wouldn't want to be Phoebe's best friend anymore. She'd have to keep it a secret, like just about everything else in her life.

Were they even dating? She didn't know. She really had barely ever had a boyfriend, and really had never kissed anyone. Would she even want to date him? Having to reject every boy that asked her out, for her brother? She really didn't want that. And what about when they want to get married? Have kids? It was possible, but the baby would probably have an awful disease, or a birth defect, or be retarded. She didn't want that.

No, she was getting ahead of herself. They probably would never 'date' long enough to ever get married, or have a future. Who's to say they have a future.

And their parents. If they told them that they were in love with each other, would they accept it? Would they be disappoinnted? Would they disown them? All of the possibilities seemed awful.

Her train of thought was interrupted by a knock on the door.


Author's Note:

Okay guys, I am so, so, so, so, so so sosossosososososososososososososoosooooooo sorry that I haven't updated in like, forever! But you guys.. You guys are so nice! Actually waiting! I still get comments, politely asking for me to update, and that they like this story, and that really means a lot. Thank you, so much. :))

Thank you guys for reading, and I'm sorry, again!



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