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He had spent the first five years of his sons life preparing that tree house, and yet he was running out of time.

It would only be a matter of days before they noticed his absence and would come to take him back.

And he would rather die than to let them.

As he said one last goodbye to his now ten year old son, he prayed that this was the right thing to do; that after he was gone God would watch over his baby boy. If there was a God.

Pulling the sleeping dark haired child into his arms once more he quietly kissed his rosy cheeks and gently placed him into the pile of blankets on the floor. "Daddy loves you baby.." he whispered, a small tear dripping down his face and landing on to the toe of his leather boot.

Quietly inching his way out of the tree house he determinedly walked deeper into the woods, his trembling fingers slipping into the deep scratchy pockets of his denim jacket, his left hand gripping the one thing keeping him in the thin liminal space between this world and the next.

He hoped there was a next.

Earlier that day he had put all his life savings into a thick leather wallet which was placed under his sons pillow along with a note. He even went as far as to teach the boy everything he possibly could as the small child grew up. He taught him about the important things.

About life.

About living in this big world alone.

About money and the way things worked.

Though little about love.

But now as the cold metal contraption brushed his temple, he just hoped that would be enough.

Pulling the trigger with no second thoughts, he awaited seeing his wife again. Leaving his son Asher alone.

The sheriff of the small town searched for weeks for the missing pair, only to loose incentive after realizing that no one would care if the father and son were ever found. In fact everyone felt much safer knowing that the town murderer took himself and his strange child Asher away.

And no one ever saw the same boy or his father again.

That night though, the little boy who had lost his mother early on due to child birth complications, lost his father as well, and would grow to forget the life he once had...

In fact, when he woke up the next morning in a strange wooden house tucked up high in a tree, he didn't even know who he was anymore.

And the note his old man had left him that night, under his pillow, seemed to have vanished.


Bells Final POV

"Where are you taking me Bell?" Violet's voice chirped as I guided her through the familiar forest. I hoped she wouldn't comment on how sweaty my palms were..

"You'll see sweetheart." I smiled guiding us deeper into the woods searching for my old "home" hoping it was still intact. I hadn't been to this place in ages.

Nothing could be herd but the soft crunching of the fallen autumn leaves beneath our feet. The sound seeming to fuel my nerves.

You can do this Bell.

You can do this.

Finally making it I took a moment to look around, everything was exactly as I remembered. The lake.. The tree house.. The sun setting beautifully over the trees. Perfect.

Bringing Violet over to the familiar stump I sat her down placing a delicate kiss to her soft pink lips before gently untying her blind fold.

"Bell wha- oh my!" she gasped looking around. A small smile forming on her lips. "I haven't been here in forever!" she chuckled standing up.

"I know." I smiled remembering the last time I was here as well, just before I left to "fight" for Vi. I guess after running away together we just kind of left this place behind, along with our forgotten memories.

But I couldn't think of a better place to propose to Violet.

Sighing I looked over at my girlfriend of 6 years. Her violet tinted hair cascading down her right shoulder as she looked out past the lake. "It's now or never.." I whispered to myself walking over to her.

"Violet.." I whispered grabbing her hand, the small velvet box burning a whole in my left pocket. She stayed quiet facing me. Here goes nothing.

"I know for two kids we've been through a lot, and through these years I've come to not only love you, but need you.. I need you like the sun needs the moon or like a poem needs words. You're honestly the best part of me." I spoke getting down on one knee. Violets green eyes glazing over as she brought her free hand up to clasp firmly over her mouth. "I guess what I'm trying to say is that will you do me the biggest honor of becoming my wife?" I breathed pulling out the small delicate box and opening it to expose the beautiful Asscher cut and Violet diamond ring.

"Please say something.." I whispered as the seconds passed. My heart beating faster and faster in anticipation.

"Yes!" she chirped extending her small hand out, allowing me to put the ring on her finger.

"Thank you." I cried grabbing her in a big hug and kissing her firmly on the mouth; this was probably the happiest day of my life so far.

Before we left, after skinny dipping in the lake, I decided to take a quick trip up to the old tree house to see if my things were still there. Climbing up the all too familiar steps I entered the small wooden structure having a look around. Everything was exactly how I had left it, except for the occasional cobweb or two. Sighing I took a seat on the mattress going trough some of my old forgotten poems, not really remembering why or when I wrote them. Shrugging I threw the book down, an unfamiliar sheet of paper flying out.

Not knowing where it came from I confusedly went to pick it up, sitting back down before carefully unfolding it. It appeared to be really old.

It read,

"Dear Asher,

I am writing this letter to you while you're distracted with playing with your books and toys. This is so hard because I have so much to say in this small letter that I hope you'll understand.

If your reading this, that means you've probably awoken in a strange tree house, and have found this along with a wallet underneath your blankets. Daddy made this tree house just for you! Take good care of it and use the money wisely.. It should be enough to last you through the years until you can get a job.

First off I want you to always remember that your mom and I will always love you! No matter what, and we will always be in your heart when you need us most. I need to warn you though that you must never go back home! Not even to look for me. Daddy has done some very bad things that you mustn't get involved in. But daddy knows that you'll be okay. You're my strong little boy and you'll figure it out. I honestly wish the best for you Asher. On that note I must go baby. I'm sorry.

I love you so so much,

Dad. "


"Bell what's taking you so long?" Violet called stepping into the treehouse. "What's that?" she asked noticing me place the folded white piece of paper back into my note book.

"Just a memory." I frowned casually whipping my glistening eyes, happy that she didn't question me any further. Following her back down the wooden steps I allowed myself to remember all the things I had forced myself to forget long ago. Letting them metaphorically float away with the wind.

I am Bell Gray and I always will be.

"Let's go home Violet. Let's go home." I smiled softly grabbing Violets outstretched hand. Allowing my soon to be wife to lead the way. The rustling trees saying a soft goodbye.


(A/N thank you SO much to everyone who has read this story! (: It honestly means the world to me to know that people actually enjoy it. It has been a very long journey! I hope this little epilogue brought you some closure. Keep living and please share this book with a friend. Love -Aushy)

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