The run away.

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"The least you cold do is tell me your name.."

I didn't reply.

As I sat there I turned my attention to the new girl. She was writing something and hadn't looked up from her note book since she sat down. She hadn't even acknowledged Nicole's fail attempt at conversation.

Maybe I was wrong about her?

But like I said, I don't want friends and the trouble that comes with them.

A couple minutes later the bell rang and I lazily got up from my seat and started towards my next class.

Making my way to Mr. Thompson class which was across the hall I felt some one yank at my hoodie. Reluctantly I turned around only to be met by those piercing green eyes. The new girl. She was shorter than me so I had to look down. Such an inconvenience.

"Sorry to bother you but.. By any chance do you know where my next class is?" she said handing me her schedule. Hesitantly I opened up her neatly folded schedule. Just great, I thought sarcastically. Her next class was Word History. So was mine..

I grunted, "Just follow me.' I spat before turning on my heel and walking away. I could hear the squeak of her converse close behind.

Making it to the class room I turned back around and handed her her schedule, "Here you go." I said with no hint of emotion in my voice. Her mood didn't change, she still had a closed mouth smile on her smooth face.

"Thanks, I'm Violet by the way." she said outstretching her hand. I just stared at it coldly and walked away to my desolate wooden desk at the back of the class. Violet just stood their with that fake smile plastered on her face.

Mr. Thompson gave me a disapproving look but I just shrugged. He then stood up from behind his wooden desk and gestured for Violet to come. I just watched as the class filled up with students and they continued to talk. The bell rang shortly after and everyone settled in their seats, except for one. Violet.

"Well class today is another dreadful day with you peasants," he said in a stuck up and very posh English accent. "and we have a new student. Her name is Violet." he then turned to Violet, "You can go sit over there by Mr. Gray for now." he said gesturing towards the empty seat next to me... Just peachy, I thought with a sigh as she came over and sat down next to me. Carefully setting out the contents of her bag unto the desk.

"So I'm guessing you don't talk much..' she said trying to start a convo. I just ignored her.

She sighed.

"You know I hate people like you. So consumed in their own f*cked up world that they can't even give the time of day to anyone else!!" she whispered yelled.

Okay this girl was really getting on my nerves.

"You think your so cool with your I don't care persona when in reality your just a scared little coward." she spat.

Okay I'm done.

I quickly turned around to face her,

"Okay first of all I don't even know you nor do I care who you are. And second of all you have no idea about me and my so called 'fu*cked up world' so you should just shut your mouth before you learn the hard way." I said trying to keep my cool.

She didn't reply.

Satisfied I turned back around before hearing her chuckle. "So he does talk."

I grunted. I couldn't believe she said all that just to get me to talk to her.. This girls got nerve.


History class went by faster then usual. Violet eventually got the hint and left me alone, but on the other hand I got in trouble for not bringing my home work. I must have forgot my damn satchel in the tree house.

I was currently walking to lunch and I had just finished my wood chop class. I passed through the salad bar and got an apple and a water. I wasn't that hungry. I rarely was.

I sat under a big oak tree and rested my back against it and closed my eyes absorbing in the smell of nature. Being in a classroom filled with a conglomerate of juvenile delinquents can mess with your head.

"So I guess emo boy likes nature... Surprising." I girly voice said.

I quickly opened my gray orbs to be met by piercing green ones. Violet.

She smirked. "Sorry did I startle you emo boy?" she questioned sarcastically.

I didn't say a word and so she sat down next to me.

"Aww emo boy likes apples." she said batting her eye lashes.

What's with this girl??

"Aww is em-"

"Call me emo boy one more time and I will personally slit your wrist and watch you bleed to death with my vampire friends waiting to drink your blood." I spat.

She looked flabbergasted but quickly regained her composure. "Sorry but until I get a name, emo boy it is." she said smugly.

"Bell." I grunted taking a bite of my juicy red apple.

"Ahh, now we're getting somewhere." she said with a smile. "I like that name." she stated. "Who named you?"

"I did." I replied praying she would leave.

"You named yourself?" she asked questionably.

"Yep." I said popping the 'p' before taking another bite of my apple.

"That's cool." she said with a yawn. "So did I." my eyes practically budged out of my head and I started choking on my apple. Did she just say she named herself too? Regaining my composure I took a sip of my water.

"You okay?" she chuckled.

No a piece of apple was just lodged in my throat but I'm fine.

"You named yourself too?" I asked .

"Yeah I hated my real name so I changed it. No biggy?" she stated.

Ohhh so that's what she meant. Way to play it cool Bell. I thought.

"So why did you transfer to this pathetic excuse of a school anyway?" I asked deciding to make conversation.

"Because.. I-I um moved.. And this school- Ugg f*ck it can you keep a secret.. Of corse you can you barley talk!" she said answering her own question. "Truth Is I ran away.. I hated my old life so I made a new one for myself. That's sort of the real reason why I changed my name.." she admitted.

"Oh." I replied not amused. "But I'm confused, you ran away and decided to go to high school, that's a-"

"I value education okay!" She retorted rolling her voice growing higher in pitch.

Another 16 year old that still values education.. Sounds too good to be true.

"Yeah but I didn't really think this through." she admitted.

"What do you mean?" I asked confused.

"I don't really have a place to stay." she sighed.

And the next few words that I said changed my life forever. I honestly don't even know why I said them.. But I did.

"You can stay with me."

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