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Darkness consumed my soul
Now my friend is a empty soul
Can't feel emotions no more
Im a lifeless pit of black space
When you stare at my blank face
My eyes now will look cold as stone
Because when you show you do care
It doesn't even matter no more at all
Might as well be completely invisible
Carrying around hopelessness now
As you try to figure out this life
Like who's a two faced type of devil
Lying straight from there teeth
Wishing you fall deeper in hate
Little do they know we already had
Its why we choose to be mute
Hiding the devil within ourselves
From everyone else
They won't understand why
Sometimes we think like this at all
Or why we have to feel pain
To make us feel happier
But even then that doesn't work
Its why in the dark we stay hidden
Letting our tears drop
Watching the blood come out
We pray for a better day a dead
Remembering it make just happen
Then again he sneaks up again
Taking control of our minds
Giving us false hope it will end
But we know so we keep harming
Believing their terrible lies of us

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