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There they were. Just staring at these two tickets sitting in their hands. Kendra and Jackie were in shock as they had just found out they had tickets to their first New Kids on the Block concert. Not just any ordinary NKOTB concert tickets. These seats were in the front row. It was all so sudden and hard to comprehend in Kendra's head, but one thing was for sure, she was beyond psyched!

"So? What do you think?" Kendra's father asked smiling widely.

"I don't know what to say. Thank you guys!" Kendra whispered softly. Her parents smiled and embraced Kendra in a hug. Jackie joined in, and they held it for a just a little while.

"We can't thank you guys enough!" Jackie smiled, before starting to freak out like the teenage fan she was.

"Of course kids! We know how much this band means to you girls. Now, this was supposed to be your Christmas gift, but we couldn't wait to give it to you. We're just considering it a little early gift to you both!" Kendra's mother laughed.

"Are you kidding? I don't need anything more than this! It's absolutely perfect!" she exclaimed. Her parents smiled again, satisfied with their gift. Kendra looked down at the ticket once more. Jackie turned to her.

"What?" She asked.

"Look at the date!" Kendra exclaimed. Jackie looked at her ticket, and her facial expression changed dramatically from a straight face, directly to the biggest smile. The concert would be held the day after thanksgiving.


November 27, 1988 (the day after Thanksgiving)


This was it. Today was the day. This was the moment. The moment, Kendra O' Reilly, and Jackie McCartney would finally see their favorite band of all time. They had been waiting for this day for weeks. The arena was packed full of people, and it was hotter than any other place they had been. The energy was insane as the two girls awaited their five favorite guys to take the stage. The crew was still preparing for the show. Each time a crew member would test a microphone, the crowd would always scream wildly, thinking it was one of the new kids. However, they waited a while before the New kids took the stage. But just after an hour of waiting, the lights dimmed. Music began blaring as a cloud of fog started to build onstage. The crowd began to scream a deafening screech, as the "five bad brothers from the bean town land" hit the stage. Their shadows were hidden behind the fog, creating an amazing silhouette effect. The lights then began strobing dramatically, then it was silent. No music, nothing. Just stillness in the air as the crowd anticipated the start of the performance. Finally, they cut the silence, opening with Hangin' Tough. The crowd went insane as those five boys sang their very hearts out. This was definitely one of the best nights of Kendra's life.


Two hours passed in what felt like thirty whole seconds. The concert had unfortunately come to an end far too quickly. It was definitely one of the best experiences of Kendra and Jackie's lives. Never in a million years did they ever think they would actually get to go to a new kids on the block concert, let alone, be pulled on the stage by Donnie and Joey. Further into the concert, Joey had sung please don't go girl. In the process, he pulled Kendra on stage and sang to her. It was probably one of the best moments she had ever experienced in her life. The same exact thing happened to Jackie when Donnie sang Cover girl. Neither of them could believe any of this. Now they were leaving the concert, sad that it was over. They were waiting outside of the doors of the arena waiting for Kendra's parents to pick them up.


Kendra's point of view.


I was exhausted now. Out of the adrenaline rush that had flooded my veins, fighting sleep on this curb outside of the arena. Jackie and I were waiting outside as people piled out fast. Eventually we were the only ones there, and my parents still hadn't shown up. I was getting worried, and a little impatient. I walked over to the bricked wall of the arena, sitting up against it with my knees to my chest. I bundled my hands into my sweatshirt, covering my face in my arms, eventually dozing off to asleep. The next thing I know, there's a hand on my shoulder lightly shaking me awake. I lifted my head from my arms and saw a boy sanding above me with a soft smile. My eyes were still adjusting to the street lights after leaving my head in my arms. It was difficult to make out who it was. I waited a moment for my eyes to finally adjust, but when they finally did, imagine my surprise when I found it be Joey McIntyre standing above me.

A Merry Merry ChristmasWhere stories live. Discover now