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Joey's point of view


The guys and I had spent most of the morning looking for Kendra's first gift. We had called her parents ahead of time to make sure it was ok to do this. They had told me that Kendra was currently out of the house so we figured now would be a good time to slide in and hide her gift.

"Joe, over here." Donnie whispered, as we walked through the front door. I looked over to him and saw he was going upstairs. I followed him and noticed Kendra's room. Her door was covered in posters of us so I immediately knew it was her room. I opened the door and put the gift on her pillow and left with the guys, getting back onto the bus. I just hoped she liked her first gift.


Kendra's point of view


Jackie and I arrived back home. It was snowing and the temperature was frigid. Luckily, now that I was home, I could get Joe's present wrapped and hidden upstairs. Jackie followed me, helping me up the stairs with the large poster. But the odd thing I noticed when I got to my room was that the door was open and I clearly remember closing the door before I left for the mall. I stood there blankly, trying to think of who could've opened the door while Jackie and I were gone. It couldn't have been my parents because I've told them time and time again to let me have my privacy. I shrugged it off then continued to grab the wrapping paper which I used to wrap the large framed poster. I'm not sure how smart of an idea that was but I was hoping that this gift would be perfect for Joe. I took a sigh of relief and plopped myself onto my bed. I looked at Jackie who was looking through one of my teen bop magazines. She eventually closed it and looked at me. She then glanced at my pillow and pointed something out.

"Hey, Kendra?" She said.

"Yeah?" I replied.

"What the heck is that?" She asked, pointing to a box sitting on my pillow. I was confused, scared and excited all the same time. To be honest, I wasn't really sure if I should've taken the risk to see what was in it, but I went for it.

"I have no idea. Let's open it." I said, putting a hand on the box. Jackie suddenly grasped onto my wrist.

"Dude! Are you crazy? There could be something dangerous in that box!" She said.

"Jackie, I highly doubt that there's going to be some sort of weapon or dangerous object in here." I explained. Jackie sighed, she loosened her grip on my wrist then eventually let go of me as I ripped open the box to find a collection of movies.

"Woah, this is pretty cool," Jackie admit. "You got The Goonies, Ferris Bueller's day off, The Outsiders, Ghost Busters, we could have a VHS movie marathon with the number of movies you got."

"Woah! There's a bunch of snacks too," I exclaimed, digging through the box. "It's official, someone's stalking me." I said.

"Why do say that?" Jackie asked.

"This box is full of all of my favorite junk foods and candies." I said.

"Woah, this is freaky." Jackie admit. I nodded. It's not that I didn't like what I was getting, I loved it, but who could be getting into my room, let alone my house to leave gifts on my pillow?

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