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              Kendra's Point Of View

I couldn't believe my very eyes. Joey McIntyre— standing right there in front of me. I had no idea what to think.

"Are you guys alright? You're just sitting out here alone. Is someone here to pick you up soon?" He asked with a concerned look. He held out a hand to me and I took it as he helped me off the cold ground. I shivered a little and he wrapped an arm around me for warmth. I was only wearing but a hooded sweatshirt and a pair of jeans in the middle of November. Of course it was snowing once again, so I was freezing my buns off without a coat.

"My parents were supposed to be here to take us home. I guess they must've fallen asleep or something." I rolled my eyes a little embarrassed, but mostly irritated with the situation.

"Well here, why don't we take you home?" Joey offered. By this point I was more than convinced I was still asleep on the curb, and this was a dream. He kept his arm around me as he lead Jackie and I to their tour bus. He opened the door and helped us in. We were then greeted by the bus driver and four other boys who I immediately recognized. The other four new kids on the block! I kept my mouth shut in hopes of not freaking out in front of them. But when Joe came over to me and lead me to the couch I freaked out even more! But only on the inside of course. We had all sat down on the couch, and the bus began to move. Donnie turned to Jackie and smiled. She smiled back, beginning to blush a little.

"So remind me of your name?" Donnie asked. Jackie giggled and began to blush even harder.

"Jackie." She giggled.

"What about you? What's your name? I didn't catch it earlier." Donnie inquired, turning towards me. I could feel my face turning red. I was so nervous for some reason and I didn't know what to say.

"Kendra." I replied, shifting in my seat uncomfortably.

"Kendra," Joey repeated. "I like that, it's cute." He smiled, and I blushed wildly smiling back at him. As I stated in the past, Joey's my favorite new kid, and Jackie's favorite new kid is Donnie. Needless to say this was a dream come true to have our favorite guys sitting right next to us, let alone having a conversation with us.

"So why were you guys just sitting outside of the venue all alone back there again?" Joe asked.

"We were waiting for Kendra's parents to pick us up after the show. But they never showed up as we all witnessed." Jackie explained.

"Oh it's probably nothing to worry about. We'll get you home. What's your address?" Joe asked. I gave him the address, and he relayed the info to the driver to get Jackie and I home.


"Alright, so this is your stop, right?" Joe confirmed as we came to a steady stop in front of my house.

"This is it! We can't thank you enough for the ride... and of course the amazing show tonight!" I smiled as I stepped down from the bus. I made my way to the front door of my house, parting ways with Jackie. Just before I went inside I noticed the bus hadn't pulled away just yet. Despite that I continued to go inside. I closed the door and locked it up, but it was all for a short moment, as I suddenly heard my name being called from outside.

"Kendra wait!" I turned on the porch light looking out the side window. I saw Joe standing in the front lawn. I opened the door and met him in the snowy grass where he stood. He had a small slip of paper in his hand.

"This is for you," he said. "You should call me." He smiled.

"I will. Thanks so much again for everything, Joe. Tonight was unlike anything I could've imagined." I said.

"It was nothing really. I saw you asleep in the cold, I had to help! Take care, okay?" He handed me the slip of paper, and leaned in for a hug. I placed the paper in my pocket and embraced him back. This was odd for someone I had just met, and especially being he was a celebrity. It all just seemed so rather unlikely to happen, but I was more than okay with it.

Once we had parted ways, it took a while for me to process the events from the last four hours. I absolutely couldn't believe any of it had happened. I looked at the piece of paper of which had Joey McIntyre's phone number written on it. I was speechless. I looked around the house for my parents and didn't see them anywhere. I then made my way up to their room and sure enough, they were in bed asleep. I'm sure you would agree that that's the dumbest reason to leave your kid at a concert. But I shrugged it off and made my way back downstairs to watch TV on the couch. Eventually, I found myself slowly falling back to sleep. But this time not on the cold ground outside of an arena.

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