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Christmas was just around the corner. Danny, Donnie, Jordan, Jon and I were getting ready for our tour that was starting later in the month. We were gathered at Donnie's house planning for it all, but the only thing I could focus on was Kendra. I was really falling for her. She was pretty, smart, charming, outgoing, funny, and cute. I could just go on and on about her. I wanted to do something for her on Christmas. Something creative. I wanted to get her something she'd love and remember for the rest of her life. I just wasn't sure what to get her yet. I needed to get the guy's help.

"Joe? Hey Joe. Are you even listening to this?" Donnie snapped his fingers in my face bringing me back to earth.

"Yeah man, I'm listening." I replied. I brought my attention to Donnie.

"Ok, obviously you like her!" Donnie said. Suddenly I was confused.

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

"Kendra. It's totally obvious you like her bro so, tell her that." Donnie explained. I sighed.

"I want to do something to really let her know how much I like and care for her, Donnie." I said. Donnie was quiet for a moment.

"I got it, bro! It's a genius plan that's sure to win her over but you gotta do it when she's outta the house. Christmas is in less than 25 days. Go to her house whenever she's gone, each day before Christmas, leave a gift for her whether it's a piece of jewelry, a gift card, or a pair of socks or whatever, get her something. Then, on Christmas Eve, you'll leave your final gift under her Christmas tree!" Donnie explained. I smiled and nodded.

"That's not a bad idea Don! Pretty clever!" I said with a smirk.

"Thanks I know." He laughed, leaning back in the couch.


Kendra's point of view


It was freezing outside. Jackie and I were bored of sitting at my house all day, watching movies in the dark so we figured that we'd go to the mall. I was hoping to find something for Joe for Christmas but I wasn't really sure what to get him. We had been sitting in the food court talking but I was sorta zoned out the whole time.

"Kendra? Kendra, are you doing alright?" Jackie asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I replied, shaking my head, now paying attention to Jackie.

"What's going on, Kendra, is it something about Joe?" Jackie asked.

"How'd you know?" I asked.

"Have you seen the way you've been acting lately?" She asked.

"I'm just trying to figure out what to get him for Christmas. I really care about Joe and I want to show him how much I like him, I just... Don't know how to." I explained, putting my head in my hands.

"Come on, don't beat yourself up, Kendra, I'll help you, I already have a gift for Donnie, I mean how hard could it be shopping for Joe?" Jackie asked, as we got out of our seats and began walking through the mall going into different stores.

"What about this?" I asked, picking up and item from a shelf.

"Do you even know what that is, Kendra?" Jackie asked. I stared at her blankly.

"No." I replied.

"That's a cheese grater, do you really want to get him one of those?" Jackie laughed. I blushed in embarrassment.

"Wait, so your saying, I almost got him a kitchen utensil?" I asked blankly.

"Yup." Jackie replied. I sighed.

"This is hopeless!" I exclaimed.

"Just shut up and come with me." Jackie demanded.

"Why even try?! I tried getting him a kitchen utensil!" I replied. We continued walking through the mall being dragged by the wrist by Jackie when we suddenly stopped in front of another shop.

"Music and stuff? What kind of a store is this?" I asked.

"Just trust me." Jackie pleaded as we walked through the store searching for the perfect gift for Joe.

"Wait, this is perfect!" I exclaimed. It was an autographed photo of the Madonna. Joe loved Madonna, this was the perfect gift.

"Hi, is there something I can help you out with?" A store clerk offered with a smile.

"Yeah," I smiled. "How much is the autographed Madonna poster?"

"$500 bucks." The clerk replied. That seemed a lot for an autographed poster but I knew that if I bought it, Joe would be ecstatic. Unfortunately, I didn't have $500 bucks. I sighed.

"What if we made a deal." I suggested.

"I guess that depends," The clerk replied. "What are we takin'?"

"I have a," I hesitated knowing that what I was about to offer may just about be sold for a boy that I really do like. "One of a kind autographed... New kids on the block poster..." I looked at my feet hoping that the offer would be acceptable. The clerk put a hand on his chin and nodded.

"You got yourself a deal," He said giving the framed poster to me with a smile.

"Thanks." I sighed. I couldn't believe what I had just done. All that I was hoping for now was that when Joe opened the gift on Christmas morning, he liked it.

A Merry Merry ChristmasWhere stories live. Discover now