Chapter Four

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"Where is my daughter?" Brad Miller yelled to his crew who were frantically rushing around the large clearing setting up camp before the sun set. He cursed internally at himself, fuming he hadn't put extra watch on Evelyn. The girl was just like her mother, the sense for adventure and excitement flowed freely through her veins but her clumsy actions always left him cautious. Her curiosity always won over though, and he cursed his wife for her fiery characteristic.

Nobody answered as they kept setting up but Brad knew they had heard him and were too frightened to admit they lost sight of the curious girl. They were all too scared to say something in fear of them being left alone to fend for themselves in the jungle when it was time to leave.

Despite the manly name Brad inherited, he was actually a scrawny man. His frame was short standing at merely 5'6" with a thick build however his aging body carried the extra kilos on his stomach. At fifty four years old, the scientist had long ago started turning grey with wrinkles forming on his forehead and around his eyes, and his physical strength had significantly decreased.

Brad had spent every waking minute the past six years to get a grant to conduct his research on the isolated island nobody has ever been on and the stress endured from the experience put his aging a few years quicker than usual.

He worried for his daughter, but he knew that he himself would not be able to venture out into the jungle to search for her. His body would be too weak to handle it and although he could command his crew, his nice nature would only guilt trip them into going out there. But he would do it for the safety of his daughter.

An hour later everything was set up, including tents, food storages and lab equipment all securely sealed so animals couldn't get into them. He banged the pots together, grabbing everybody's attention and calling them in for a meeting. The first man to appear, Tyler, too was concerned for the whereabouts of Evelyn.

The young lad was not the most attractive man out there, but his caring personality always won the hearts over. Brad had been for years trying to get Evelyn to fall in love with him so she would be able to settle down soon but straight away Evelyn had thrown him into what kids call 'the friend zone', not even seeing her dads ultimate plan.

Tyler possessed feelings for Evelyn but they weren't dominant over everything else. He thought the talented, smart young girl was truly amazing and would absolutely love to win her heart to adore and be able to love her unconditionally.

"Men, young Evelyn snuck from camp." Brad told everybody. A few groaned, knowing they were to go search for her but others saw this coming from a mile away.

Brad, Tyler and Mark were the only scientists on the camp. Evelyn took vast interest to join the expedition but the other odd 10 men were all the muscle of the group for setting up carrying, protecting and moving on the two week expedition.

"It's getting late and we need Evie back at camp. I want two groups of 5 and stay together. I can't have anyone valuable in my life and expedition getting injured." Brad said. All the participants held a soft spot for Evelyn too as she was the daughter off the boss and willingly agreed to search for her with little persuasion.

"I wish I could say don't return without her, but you are your own people, your safety is just as important as hers." It pained Brad to say that but it was the facts, he didn't want anyone hurt on this trip. "Come back at your own will or in the face of danger, but please bring her home with you." With those words the men broke off into groups and set off, making Brad feel miserable that he couldn't help find and protect his daughter.

A wild man's primal instinct. *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now