Chapter Thirty Two

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The quick fifteen minute drive to Angus' apartment felt abnormally longer than usual. Evelyn was nervous and anxious, but most of all excited. She didn't know what it was, but she just wanted to forget about everything and go back to how it was before all of the drama.

She wanted the sweet kisses, the raw moments. The joy filled days followed by late night conversations hiding under the doona covers and whispering the night away. The long runs they would go on, when Evelyn would get tired and sit back and watch Angus release all of his energy and the trips to the park to play a poor game of football that always ended up with going to the supermarket for Angus to try new food.

The flowers that had lay on the ground, so helpless to survive by itself and without aid reminded Evelyn of Angus and how he so desperately tried to fix this. His only savior at this moment was Evelyn, and he was hers too.

As she raced up the stairs to his apartment, feeling too agitated to take the stairs, her heart was hammering in her chest as she knocked on the door. But she was only met with silence. She knocked again, and again, but still no answer.

"Gus?" She called, hoping he was there. "Gus, its Evelyn. Are you there?" Again she was met with silence, her stomach dropped as she felt disappointment flood through her. Because she hadn't felt relief with him Angus not being home, it only meant she was making the right choice in wanting to finally fix this. She wanted him to be there and it only fueled her further to want to find him.

But now, she was left with the task of actually finding him.

Turning on her heel, Evelyn racked her brain to where he could be. It was a Tuesday, she thought as she jogged back down to her car, forgetting about the elevator once again. That means he's not at a lesson or a appointment, and won't be shopping because the supermarket tends to be busy Tuesday (for some strange reason) and Angus tends avoids the crowds.

Clicking the power button on her phone to check the time, the date caught her eye as it appeared on the screen.


Realization finally set in. Angus' interview on the television show was today, starting in half an hour. She mentally kicked herself as she raced into her car.

How the fuck could she gave forgotten about this?


"Please welcome the man who survived alone all these years by himself, isolated on an island. It's Angus!"

A small hand pushed Angus towards the stage, reminding him it was his queue to start the interview. They had already talked through the questions with him, explained to him what was going to happen but now that it was happening, Angus was nervous.

His long legs carried him out to the stage, a small corridor opening up to the stage with bright lights shining on him, happy music in the background motivating the audience to get excited. They were all clapping and cheering, for what he wasn't sure, but there was tonnes of them. More people then he would have expected to see him.

He forced a tight smile onto his face, remembering to smile as he was told to, and made his way to Jonathon Phillip. The man was short, slightly chubby and balding from his older age but owned a bright smile to make up for it. He knew how nervous Angus is about his public appearance and talked to him prior the show, assuring him that he will take care of him.

Angus took a seat, along with a deep breath to calm himself. Together Angus and Jonathon sat in silence, waiting for the crowd to stop cheering and to begin the interview. Angus knew he had been in the news lots due to his 'remarkable survival story'. People were interested because no one had heard him tell his story before. People wanted to know how he did it, what happened and how life in civilization is for him.

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