Chapter Thirty Six

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"Are you okay Gus?" Evelyn questioned. True to their word, the two travelled to the park with a blanket, sandwiches, water and a football to waste time in between Angus' sessions with Doctor Loretta Jones. Ever since the doctors' office, Evelyn had noticed Angus was slightly withdrawn from her.

Usually, Angus was the first to reach for Evelyn to hold as they walked, but after he absentmindedly grabbed the bag with their belongings, Evelyn slinked next to him to intertwine their fingers. Angus had loosely returned the hold, and it wasn't until Evelyn squeezed his hand that he averted his gaze to look down and smile at her. Evelyn frowned when his smile didn't reach his eyes.

"Gus, uh, I'm good." He said quietly. Evelyn could see his mind whirling at full speed and she frowned. She wasn't sure on what to do. Angus had never really been withdrawn from her, and she knew it was natural for people to have a bad day. But Angus wasn't normal, he was different. He didn't experience sudden mood changes like this.

Evelyn contemplated on whether or not to talk to Angus about what was on his mind.

'If you don't want to talk about it, we don't need to," she started, tugging slightly on his hand so Angus would stop walking. His long legs halted as he turned to face his Evy. He looked down on her, a curious hint to his face. "I'm not sure what happened from the doctors to here, but I'm kind of worried Gus. You never change moods this quickly."

Angus squeezed her hand to encourage her to speak. He knew Evelyn wasn't the most sensitive person in the world and had trouble conveying particular messages.

"I just don't want you upset." She concluded. She shifted her gaze from his intense look to the ground. She felt a light finger under her chin, tilting her head back up to look at him. She watched as Angus leaned down and gently placed a lingering kiss on her lips, making her heart thump wildly out of control. A small smile was on his face when he drew back, flinging an arm over her shoulder pulling his girl into his side.

"I love you," Angus said.

"You confuse me," Evelyn mumbled backwards. This time, it was Angus who poked Evelyn in the hip, making her yelp in surprise from the attack. "Hey!" she protested. "Don't use my moves against me man."


As usual, the two got carried away in their game of football and lost track of time. Swiftly, they packed their things, Angus scooping all their items in his arms as they had fifteen minutes to get to his session that stats in ten minutes.

"We're going to be late," Evelyn mumbled.

"When are we ever on time?" Angus rhetorically pointed out, earning a laugh of agreement. They shuffled back to the car, Angus dumping the stuff in the boot. "I need to pee," he said, kissing her on the cheek. "I'll be a minute." Evelyn nodded, watching as his large body jogged off towards the public toilets a hundred meters away.

"Hurry up, lady." Someone spat from the other end of the car park. Evelyn turned her gaze from Angus to see two late teenaged boys and one girl yelling at someone in a car.

"Could you be any slower?" The group of three snickered, one going as far too high five the one making the crude comments. Evelyn frowned. She could hear frantic words in response, but couldn't make them out over the sound of a car engine.

The two boy and one girl burst out laughing, speaking quicker to the person in the car. Although they were quieter, she knew they were still being rude from the shit eating smirks on their faces. Locking her car, Evelyn quietly made her way over to the bin near the group. She didn't want to intervene in case she was getting the wrong message, but if the elderly lady in the car was being harassed by these teens then she was sure she would do something about it.

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