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After breakfast and kissing mother goodbye, Rashone and I began to head towards the usual hell hole.. High School. Rae and I are both Juniors. Thank God.. As soon as we step foot onto that piece of property, all hell breaks loose.. We're walking and talking when all of a sudden we stop and look at each other.. The alley.. There were only two things that lurked down that alley.. A deadly gang and this week's ass whooping. Rashone and I have no other way to get to school but to pass up that gap that makes us have to clean it up at school before we come home prepared to lie about what happened to us just about everyday of the week. We prayed as we began to walk.

There was nothing but darkness at first and then, as soon as we let our breath escape, we began to hear them.. Those slow, echoing steps of horror. There were six of them in total. Each had a blade and a bad mouth to match their reputation. They were, Triple 6 - Triple Time Terror.. I know the name is a bit corny, but never mind that. You don't care much about that when your life is on the line. Rae didn't hesitate to run and that's when they feet became heavier and faster.

Roni: Get back here you lil bitch!

Roni is one of the Alpha's of the gang. The backup leaders are Toni and Terry. The other three are added each time one of them dies, so the names change as they grow. The grow stronger with each recruit because with each new man, they learn how to choose their men wisely. What to look for and what not to look for in a new recruit. Now, you may think of these dudes as being dressed like they're really in a gang but in all actuality, they keep their suits clean.. Yeah, suits. They look like MIB Headquarters if you ask me. But if there's one lesson I have learned today, it was to never look back on anything. I didn't hear them anymore because my breath and the beating of my heart was all I could hear. I quickly looked back to see if we could slow down and hit the concrete with the taste of warm copper filling my mouth. I tried to get up and ignore the pain but Toni grabbed me.

Chres: Rae, Run!

And he disappeared, instantly out of sight as the other three kept going after him.

Roni: New Blood! Get yo' ass back here, now!

The one with short curly hair stopped running and came jogging back.

Roni: Nigga hurry up! I ain't got all day!

I was looking at my hat on the ground and didn't dare to move because of the grip Toni had on my hair. I heard a blade and tried to remain calm. When the 'New Blood' came back, Roni punched him.

Roni: The fuck is wrong with you bitch? If you wanna stay in this gang, you stay alive and obey me! Get yo' ass over here!

He said nothing and just stood in front of me. My head was jerked up and I was forced to look at Toni. For a minute, he actually almost looked as ugly as Slick Rick but then I decided not to compliment him in my mind like that. This made me smile slightly but they made it seem like I had on a full grin.

Toni: The fuck you smiling for bitch?

Toni said through his teeth in my ear. This brought me back down to reality.

Toni: Answer me bitch!

Roni: Stand down! I'm the Alpha of this pack! What I say, goes.. Lil' Bitch, you know what I want from you, don't you?

Chres: I don't have twenty dollars Ronald.

I felt a sharp pain in my stomach and then in my back. I laid on the concreate in a ball trying my best not to moan in pain. I figured that if my mother can bare seventeen hours of labor with me and then pushing out my big head without a single tear, then I can survive this if they don't cut me. One of them grabbed me by my hair again so that I could look up at Roni.

Roni: You know what Lil' Bitch?

He said as he was fiddling with his pocketknife.

Roni: I just don't understand you.. We run you and yo' little friend down and beat the fuck out of y'all every week! Then today, we drag yo' ass from the sidewalk just to talk to you face to face and here you are calling me by my government name.. You must not be getting enough ass whooping's to get you through the day..

He bent down to my level with his blade still moving in his hand, cleaning under his fingernails.

Roni: Now I could beat yo' ass myself or have the gang just kill you.. But I see something in you.. You have guts.. More than these lil hoes.. The new ones.. So I figure. You have three choices.. Actually, you have two and I have three.. If you decide join Triple 6, meet us down in the alley and six o'clock on the dot and bring no one unless you want them killed. Got it?

I couldn't answer because I had the blood still in my mouth and on top of that, most likely I have crooked teeth too from that fall on the concrete. I was slapped and then stomped on.. My hand hurt like hell at this moment. Forget my back and stomach, they're numb but I'll feel it later.

Toni: You gon' answer him Nigga? Huh bitch? Answer him!

Roni kicked the shit out of Toni and said nothing. Then the new kid came forward.

Roni: Chres, I think it's about time you get acquainted with our newest member of Triple 6.. Chrestano, meet Christopher.

I attempted to look up at this dude with the curly hair. Then I heard a sound and Roni shout.

Roni: Oh shit! Five-O! Deuces!

Toni: Six, Bitch!

Christopher stayed behind a bit looking just as confused as I was at this moment. I was looking at this dude because for some reason, I was seeing an exact reflection of myself.. The only difference is that this dude had short, curly hair and some scars. Other than that, we were identical.. I have got to be dreaming..

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