Sweet Black

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Wednesday came like no other and Rashone & I were ready. Roni had left letters in our lockers again, so we knew what was up. I sighed and nodded at the note.. SIX BITCH! It screamed. Yeah.. Go figure.. After I shut my locker I turned around and there she was.

Chres: Oh shit! Hey Lisa..

I scratched the back of my head to cover up the fact that she scared the shit outta me.

Dana: It's Dana..

Chres: Oh right. I'm sorry 'bout that.

Dana: It's okay.

She smiled as she flipped her hair.

Dana: We're mistaken for each other a lot anyway.

Chres: Really?

Dana: Yeah.. She's my cousin anyway..

Chres: Sweet.

Dana: Yeah..

She nodded as she looked down. The bell rang and I felt my arm being pulled.

Rae: Alright, man. Let's go.

Chres: Aight.. Listen, uh Dana?

Dana: Yes..

Chres: I have to go, but I'll talk to you tomorrow, alright?

Dana: Okay..

I nodded and turned to leave, but then stopped when I heard her voice call after me.

Dana: Chrestano!

My eyes looked into hers from where I stood and the hall became silent and still.

Dana: Maybe we could catch up sometime after school?

I grinned and blinked.

Chres: Yeah..

I turned away with the image of her rose bled cheeks and snowflake colored teeth burning in my brain. Engraved there and never letting go. Rashone & I made our way back home and crashed for a few hours before throwing on our suits and heading back towards the alley. When we had arrived at the alleyway, we saw that there was a large black blanket covering the entrance. There was no way to see over it, under it or through this fabric. We had to trust our guts and cover each other's backs while saying silent prayers as we stepped into what we thought would be one hell of a fight.. But it wasn't..

The sight of what was behind the black curtain confused my soul. The place looked like an office-minus the people. I looked at Rashone and he was focused. Keeping his eyes peeled and waiting for any sign of immediate danger. But we saw no danger. Five minutes flew by and I gave the signal that I'd check what would be the shed. He nodded and approached the door with me at a backwards motion. Slowly, we crept towards the door and gave the nod to one another for me to fling the door open. Our hands on our guns, ready to fire any bullets, my clammy palms gripped the door handle and I flung the door open. There was no action that took place and we looked at each other. My message was simple.

Don't die..

My eyes said and the message I got back was a small grin. Common answer from him. A playful character. But this was no laughing matter. The shit was real and deep. One of us or both of us could die if we fucked up. I nodded and was the first to position myself in front of the doorway with my gun in one hand and pocket knife in the other. I was ready.. But nothing happened. Confused, I motioned for Rashone to follow me inside the room. No one was there. I closed the door just in case though and looked around the room as I moved towards the entrance to the garage, where Rashone was searching. As soon as I loosened my grip on my gun while I was looking into the garage,  the lights turned off and I heard it clear as day.


I turned around very fast, ready to start shooting, but apparently, I wasn't fast enough. The door slammed shut behind me and I felt my blade being taken from me. The pitch black darkness was only a temporary weakness for me because not long after my sight was taken away, my other senses became stronger. I could hear every footstep, breath and even feel if someone was close enough to kill me.

So I stayed still and waited for whomever was after me to come after me. The blade was right at my throat and I grinned before pushing the blade away from my neck, but ended up scratching my chin in the process, and throwing my leg over their arm to lock them in place and taking back the blade. They kicked me off balance and punched my face just like people slap a woman in the movies. Right across my right cheek, knocking me into delusion.

I could no longer feel the pain that was brought upon me, which made me stronger. I then grabbed the kid by the shoulders and placed my foot on his pouch and flipped him over my body. Once I got up, his foot tripped me back onto the ground and I tried not to think of how much pain I would be in after this fight was over as I kicked my way into another trap. The rat grabbed me by my legs and put me in a position where I couldn't move or breathe. The knife was now at my throat again, but I also had the gun pointed under his chin. I grinned in my mind, but it quickly faded when I heard two more guns cock and I felt them pointed at my head. I'm screwed..

"Listen you little bitch, you know information that we need to know. So I'll tell you what, you tell us what we want to know and your brother lives."

Brother.. I had completely forgotten about Rashone.. I began to think about him being in the garage by himself.. Even though he's older than me, I still believe that that's a bad thing.. I decided to play along with them. I pretended that I couldn't breathe at all in order for them to start negotiating with me. I put my gun behind my back and waved my hands as if to alarm them. He looked up at the other two and nodded. Slowly unraveling me for my crumpled up position. I let out a long sigh that let them know that I was regaining my breath back. I kept breathing hard for effects. Once I had "regained" my breath, he asked poked me with the knife.

"Tell me."

"What do you what to know?"

He grinned


"Everything as in..?"

I procrastinated.

"Do you not speak English? I said everything!"

"Yeah, but there's a lot of things I can tell you all about."

"For example?"

"My life story, my brother's phobias, why I came here, why I have a gun, why I don't have a father-."

"Cut the shit and start talking. We know you're apart of Triple Six AKA Triple Time Terror."

"Ooooh. You wanna know about that? Well, my brother have been beaten by them for years for no reason and-."

"Shut up. Shut up! Shut the fuck up!"

He looked up at the other dude and cut his eyes.

"Kill him."

My eyes widened.

"No! I swear this time! I'll tell you! Just let me tell you what I do and that's all, okay?"

He was silent and then he raised his eyebrow as he gripped my jacket.

"All I know how to do by them is fight, steal, use a gun and not get caught. That's all!"

"Steal what?"

"You know.. The regular shit times ten.. Wallets turned into late night raids and robbing stores.. You know, that kind of stuff.."

"So money?"

I nodded. He looked at me with a hard grimace and then threw me back down to the ground.

"Kill em both.. Slowly.."

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