The Real Deal

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She never told my mother that I went off on everybody that night and I was very grateful for that. I didn't want mom to be even more stressed out than she already was. She stayed with us until Mom came back and when the clock finally hit six, Chres & I put on our suits and went to the alley. Once again, there they were in the form of an intimidating triangle. Roni's eyes were looking down at his wrist when we arrived.

Roni: Time is vital in this group.Why are you late?

He turned as I was about to answer, but then spoke.

Roni: Follow.

He motioned as he disappeared into the shed. The rest of us followed him and took our seats. Ronald's hands were clasped together as the darkness of the room covered most of his face.

Roni: Today is the day that we do the deal. What you've been training for these past few weeks is finally in motion. Luckily, time is still on our side with this mission. But what you absolutely have to know is that when we split off into our separate missions, time won't be as kind as it is now.

He stood up and lead us all into another part of the shed that we had never been to.

Chres: This don't look like no shed.. It looks more like a garage..

I nodded in agreement with him.

Roni: That's because it is a garage. And that suitcase that's right there on the table is the start of it all.

He walked over to the suitcase and took a good look at all of us before slowly opening it. I was on edge. He slipped on a pair of black gloves and threw me & Rayan black masks. Then he handed Chrestano a pair of clear glasses that looked exactly like the ones that Christopher was wearing. Silently, his gloves screamed as he pointed to each of us before tossing us a black and unidentified object. I uncovered the heavy object and my eyes widened. A black gun.

I watched Roni swiftly take his gun and fasten it to his belt. It blended in with our suits which was perfect. I did the same thing with my gun and Chres did the same. That's when I knew that this was the real deal. Handing Toni his shades, he closed the suitcase and grabbed it as he began to walk. On the outside, fear had no space left to rest on my face. But Internally, I was terrified.

Gloves, a gun and a suitcase? This had to be something beyond legal standards. But oh well. Too late to think about the law, now. Antonio whipped out a remote from his pocket and pressed a button. This cause the garage door to open and that's when I hear the engine of Terry's black car. Hell no. Hell fuck no! This shit is fucking crazy! If I get caught, what the fuck is gonna happen to me? What about Chres? Shit, man! I thought as I took a seat by the window.

Whatever thoughts I had now, whatever concerns or worries I had at this moment, I had to swallow them and keep my face stone cold. Once I heard the door shut close, I looked up and Roni began to explain the plan one more time. I knew what the plan was. I knew this plan like the back of my hand and everything seemed cool when it was first explained. But now that this shit is for real, my nerves have hit the roof and my oxygen levels have hit rock bottom.

I began thinking and overthinking about the law and Chrestano and his life. But whatever thoughts I had, whatever questions or concerns I had, I had to suppress them and keep my focus on my mission. So, I sat there with my face was stone cold.


I got in the car with Roni, Toni, Terry, Rashone, Rayan, and Christopher trying to wrap my mind around the fact that this was all real. I guess my face wasn't as hard as it should've been, because I felt someone nudge me in my side. My eyes darted over to my right.

Chris: You coo, man?

I nodded.

Chres: Yeah. Why?

Chris: You seem tense.

I shrugged and sighed.

Chres: Man, I don't fucking know. I just don't want nothing to happen to my brother.

Chris: Same. But I've learned to trust Roni with this type of stuff. He's the silent crazy that can analyze stuff on his feet. That's the good thing about him. Even if shit goes wrong, he's able to make things move smoothly as if he planned it.

Chres: Like at the bank?

I said, by it didn't really come out as a question. It sounded more like a statement.

Chris: I don't know.. What exactly happened in there?

Chres: I don't even know. All I know is that when I walked in, he had a gun held up at the dude and shot him. Then he went crazy and told the crowd to play a game with him. It was a riddle that required silence.

He nodded.

Chris: Ah. I got it. He's good for those. He never pulls out his gun unless it's truly necessary. That was a necessary moment gone wrong. So, whatever happened in there, it's nothing to question.

I scratched my head and wondered about this code of silence.

Chres: Aye man. Why the hell we gotta keep quiet bout his shot anyway? I mean, like, why can't I tell you what happened in the bank? Or why can't he tell me what happened?

Chris: Certain things we see ain't meant to be told, man. You can't trust everything you see or who you meet. Now that's the code of silence.

I rolled my eyes and sat up.

Chres: Whatever man.

I felt the car stop moving and Roni spoke up.

Roni: In a couple of minutes, our mission will begin. Toni and I will go up and speak to The Man to distract his business while Terry stays down here with the getaway car.

He clasped his hands together and leaned forward.

Roni: Now, Christopher and Chrestano will go and crack the code in the security system. This will allow for Rashone and Rayan to go into the room with our goal inside of it and make a clean getaway. Good timing is an hour.

He tapped his watch.

Roni: One hour, got it?

He looked at all of us and we nodded. He snapped his fingers in front of Rashone's face which caused Rae to blink.

Roni: Did you hear what I just said?

He nodded and sat back.

Rae: Yeah..

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