Roni's Proposal

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The car stopped moving soon after Roni finished re-explaining the plan for this mission. He gave all of us one last look before stepping outside of the car with Toni.

Roni: Terry, pull off when I close the door. The rest of you know what to do. We all know this building front to back, now don't fuck this up. Got it?

He closed the door and turned around as he looked at his watch. As he did so, the suitcase shined in the light and as soon as the flash went away, so was the car. Roni just smiled and kept moving forward.

Security: ID.

The guard said as he held his hand up. Toni held up their cards and the man swiped them which made the bar turn green.

Security: Proceed.

Roni nodded with a smile as he entered the building. The lady at the front desk smiled at him.

Lady: Good morning, sir. Do you have an appointment with the boss, today?

Toni: It's pretty fucking obvious that we do. Otherwise we wouldn't fucking be here..

Antonio mumbled. Ronald sucked in his cheeks and just smiled at the woman. Luckily, she didn't hear his comment and Ronald was able to restrain himself from strangling the life out of Antonio. He just covered up all of his anger with a smile.

Roni: Yes ma'am, we do. It was scheduled to start promptly at 6:30PM.

Lady: Alright sir. If I could have your ID to scan for your appointment..

Toni handed her their cards and she scanned them.

Lady: And now I'll just call up to the main building to see if he's ready for this appointment.

She said as she dialed a number and then held a short conversation with The Man.

Lady: Yes sir, your 6:30 appointment is here... Yes, sir. I will... Thank you.

She hung up and looked up at Roni and Toni.

Lady: Jut take the elevator up to the penthouse with this card and he'll be right with you in a little bit.

Roni: Thank you.

He smiled as he took the card from her hand. She seemed to blush, but Roni didn't look back at her. Once the elevator doors opened, Roni swiped the card and the elevator doors closed. Then his eyes became fixed on Toni.

Roni: The fuck is wrong with you man? You know this shit is the real deal and I can't have you fucking up shit with your temper!

He sighed before running his fingers through his hair.

Roni: Look, I gave you instructions. Just stick with the plan so that shit won't hit the fan like it did at the bank. I don't wanna have to shoot anybody.

Toni: What? Too scared to have a little blood get on your suit? I sho as hell ain't. Matter of fact. I prefer it.

Roni turned towards Toni, ready to fire back at him. But the elevator beeped.

Roni: Don't fuck this up.

He said lowly as the doors opened, then fixed his face to a smile for the meeting.

Secretary: Take a seat. He'll be right with you in a moment.

Roni nodded as he took a seat in a nice black leather chair. A few minutes later, a man came and lead them to another room.

Guard: He will see you now.

They took their seats in front of the desk and waited. The smell of cigars filled the room as a loud, booming voice entered the room.

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