Chapter 38

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Chapter - 38

Location - Gulmarg Camp
After putting the first child out of the total 7 under the knife and bringing the operation to fruition; Nandini lugged herself towards her yurt; almost dead on her feet; completely exhausted by the 9 hours long surgery that had drained all the energy out of her. While traipsing over the path layered with snow; she thought of resting before calling her Life who as per her estimations would be; at the moment; in the hospital for his check - up with Cabir which might go on approximately for about an hour or so. Though her ears were yearning to hear his voice; she decided against giving him a ring during his appointment because it won't be at all supportive on Angad's part as Manik would; she was 100% certain; not co - operate and insist on being with her on the phone. Sighing at the inimical situation; where she couldn't just go and crash in his hug even after needing it desperately; she covered the left ten steps distance and reached the door; whilst muttering maledictions to the same 'whoever' whom Manik was cursing the previous night along with throwing some thorny bouquets at the cramped bed that was given to her and for which she had recently; recently as in last night; developed anathema for being ridiculously small and rock - like. Not that she had some standards nor did she was the one to throw tantrums at the camp organizers; she maturely understood their limitations and financial constraints; it was just that she was dog - tired and a comfortable place to relax was all that she needed and its a natural phenomena for our bodies to act automatically irritated when enervated; stressed or angered.

Nevertheless; putting her masterful skill of adjusting herself with any given environs, in action; she pushed open the door only to get surprised by what was waiting for her. The simple yurt having just a single bed, a table and a chair that she had left behind in the morning was now transformed magically into a carpeted and well - furnished apartment with a king - size bed in the center having replaced the old one; sheeted with fur linen and canopied by curtains, a small cupboard with mirrored doors, a chaise lounge, two heaters and a water purifier. It din't take her even a nanosecond to identify the person behind all this; who was none other than her over - protective dear husband and she mentally kicked herself two times; once for blurting out and ranting about the housing condition in her low state last night and other for underestimating his love. Though he was practically 2224 kms away; but even this farness wasn't powerful enough to limit his care and concern for her. She shook her head in disbelief with a smile; seeing the extent to which he went to ensure her comfort and peeled off the multiple layers of clothes she had worn as the room; which was bone - chilling like an iceberg a few hours ago; was now soothing warm - thanks to the heaters and of course, her Mani. Brewing up some coffee for herself; she half - reclined on the bed blanketing her lower half with the soft duvet and started sipping on the joe; all the while smiling at the way he wasn't and was still there. This trip was definitely going to test her bodily strength along with emotional and mental; as even after requiring it badly - she couldn't sleep; reason being her dependent habit of having him by her side but still she didn't held a hint of complaint as even though compulsive as hell; she was in love with this particular jones.

Meanwhile in Mumbai; Nandini's strategy behind not calling wasn't working any well; for Manik; as he was getting restless and vexed with the examining which was refraining him from talking to her. Still; he was behaving in front of Angad; sitting calm and getting himself treated; ironical to the havoc that was wreaking inside him; just for the sake of her and her promise. Much to Manik's happiness and relief; at last the protracted health scrutinization came to an end and he hurriedly exited the infirmary along with Cabir and his reports; that declared him fit and fine. Hopping in the car; he excitedly dialed her number; extraordinarily ebullient and joyous to be all ears to her sugary voice after painfully lengthy 600 minutes i.e., 36 000 deathly seconds. According to de facto obviousness; his call was answered probably even before her iPhone could flaunt the ringtone and his lips stretched into a broad; really broad smile; as her dulcet voice fell in his ear like melted chocolate and tranquilized his racked nerves. Shona I miss you so much! replied Manik with a huge lump in his throat and at that very moment; Nandini felt like flying back to him; chucking and giving a damn to everything and anything else; but she couldn't; and this actuality was making her eat her heart out.

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