Chapter 32

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Chapter - 32

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Location - DisneyLand Hotel

The Sleeping Beauty suite offered a special service where all the Disney Cartoon Characters along with the Disney Sleeping Beauty Princess Aurora and her Prince would join the guests for breakfast in the private lounge of the suite. Manik was aware of this, as informed by the Manager, but kept it a secret from Nandini so that he gets to see her babyish shocked expression that he loved to the Moon and back, once again; her big doe eyes popping out of their frame and her lips rounding in a perfect O. Deeply exhausted by the previous day's frolicking and enthusiastic jaunt; Nandini was still swaying in the arms of Morpheus and Manik; being used to such excursions; was up by his regular time. After adoring his Baby, who was curled up in his arms comfortably, for almost an hour, he very sedately sneaked out of the bed and tugged his shirt beside her, so that she doesn't wake up.

He freshened himself and then moved to the dining area; that had an extra entrance for the Staff people; to check on the breakfast arrangement. A smile spread across his face when on entering he saw the gathering of all the Disney Characters - about whom his Nandini keeps orating like a small kid with utter fascination. He politely greeted all of them for which he received warm smiles in return and then Mickey Mouse approached him and said Good Morning and Welcome Mr. Malhotra! Hope you had a pleasant night. Manik smiled at him and replied Good Morning! Yeah We had a great time. Actually My wife - She is sleeping! Need to wake her up! Do you guys mind waiting? Even after knowing they would and amazing his Egoistic self, probably because of her Love for them, he asked and Mickey answered, keeping his hand on Manik's shoulder Oh! We thought You are our only guest. But luckily we have a Princess too. Please take your time. We are here. Manik glanced at all other characters who were smilingly nodding and said Umm! She is a little tired, in fact, too tired. We were on a day - trip to DisneyLand yesterday. Very delicate she is. I want to let her sleep for some more time. Is that okaye? Every one smiled at him and then Mini Mouse came forward and replied, making Manik sit on the chair Oh Why Not? We would love to wait for her. Till then, why don't you have a cup of joe with us? Saying this she picked the pitcher to pour some coffee but Manik stopped her and said Oh No No! I can't, without her. All gave him a questioning look and seeing those, Manik added I don't like the coffee that she hasn't tasted and she drinks only from my cup. So coffee without her, is a bad Idea. Saying this Manik gestured all of them to sit to which they complied smilingly and then Mickey said, taking the seat beside Manik's Okay so now that we have time. Tell us more about your lady. Your concern has made us curious to know about her. You are no less than a Prince so no doubt she must be a Princess. Does she like us? Finding himself surprisingly at ease with them, he smiled and replied, amiably Oh Yeah! She loves you all. Like really Loves you all. We are in a relationship for 4 years and the only thing she is crazy about, after me, is you all. There hasn't been any Disney Movie which she has left unseen. Though she is a young Lady - but is still a small baby. They Awwed in unison, that made Manik blush a little and then Daisy Duck said, excitedly Oh! How sweet. Thats very rare to see so pure love. You have been in a 4 - year relationship right? So that means, a Love Marriage! Tell us about your story. I am sure it must be a heart - melting one. Manik giggled recalling their roller - coaster journey, from animosity to hate to friends and then Love, and replied Not at all! I don't mean it was bad - Just that its different from others. Kind of twisted. Intrigued by his words, all of them insisted him to explain in detail and giving in to their wish, he said Umm! I won't go in detail because its quite lengthy. Let me make it brief. Our story is very much similar to the Beauty and the Beast one of yours. Almost the same. Minnie mouse looked at him from head to toe and said But You don't look like a Beast from any angle! Both Mickey and Manik chuckled and then the latter replied Though I don't look like a beast but I was one when she stepped into my life. She was 17 and just like a kid but managed to wreak havoc in my heart. Initially we were arch enemies, always at each other's throat and ready to slit the other's nerves. She was the thorn in my flesh and I was her bugbear - Monster she called me. But then gradually we came close, and solely because of her maturity and innocence. We were pulled towards each other like a magnet and a nail. Slowly, she invaded my darkened personal space and lightened it which awakened the human inside me. Don't know how and when exactly, but she stole my heart and now, the scenario is like - I often wonder how I was living without her. She has that supernatural power of cracking the toughest nuts, just with her eyes. Its impossible to not fall in love with her after meeting her. Mesmerized by his narration, Daisy Duck asked, rubbing her chin Is she that beautiful? Now that was a topic, Manik could effortlessly write down novels about, but keeping it simple so that they aren't bored, he replied For Me she is the most beautiful girl on this planet. And even she considers herself the most prettiest in the world - because she says I am her world. And the most enchanting part of her is her heart plus her bright smile. I was literally a Monster, who din't even spared a smile to anyone; forget talking the way I am now. So you can imagine her charm and positivism. Visibly smitten just by his description, Mickey said Wow! Your Princess has already impressed us. Can't wait to meet .. Oops! How dumb of us! We din't ask her name only. What is it?Manik smiled at him and replied Nandini! Minnie jumped in their convo and exclaimed Lovely Name! Please go get her. Really want to see your Love. She was joined by others and not having a heart, the old vicious one which Nandini had replaced with a virtuous one, to deny their earnest pleas, he reluctantly agreed and excused himself to fetch her. 

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