Chapter Two

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The following day, I didn't speak a word to Dad. He left to go to work and I pretended I didn't see him. All day, as much as I tried not to think about my fight with him, that proved to be quite difficult...

I was in the mood to take my broomstick and just fly around the neighbourhood. I would've asked Mum to put a Disillusionment Charm on me so I wouldn't be seen by any Muggles, but it soon began to rain and my plans were squashed. I settled for sitting on the couch in my living room, reading a book and sipping some tea. It was one of my favourite ways to spend a raining summer day, after all.

In the afternoon, there was a knock on the door. I looked up from my book, sending a questioning glance at Mum—we hadn't been expecting anyone... She went over to the entranceway and opened the door, instantly letting in the sound of rain pouring down from the sky and hitting cement.

I heard a male voice coming from the doorway. Whoever had been at the door was talking to my mother. I listened carefully and I recognized it as Sirius's voice. Why would Sirius be here now?

I got up off the couch, putting my book down on the coffee table and setting my cup of tea on a coaster. I began to make my way towards the front door as well, the words becoming easier to make out the closer I got.

"Is Bianca h-here?" Sirius asked my mum, his voice sounding strange. It was nearly drowned out by the sound of the rain.

"Yes, she's here." Mum stepped aside. "Come in, Sirius, you must be freezing!" she said to him.

I crept towards the entrance, craning my neck to see him. Sirius was standing by the door, his clothes soaking wet. His long, dark hair was dripping water. (Had he been walking in the rain?) His expression was sullen and sad to the point that it became worrisome; the smirk he usually had was erased from his face.

"Hi, Sirius, what are you doing here?" I asked him curiously.

"Can I talk to you?" he croaked, his voice cracking a little bit. Mum tiptoed away carefully, her eyebrows raised.

Immediately, I thought of Regulus. I figured Sirius had found out about us. He had probably seen one of our letters or something... I gulped, guilt enveloping me. He could've been upset that I hadn't told him, or that I had a secret relationship with his brother in the first place, with whom he didn't get along all that much. By this point, I was positive that was what he needed to talk to me about. There wasn't anything else it could possibly have been...

"Er... sure," I said nervously, mentally preparing myself to apologize to him for keeping it a secret. I gestured for him to follow me upstairs.

He took off his muddy shoes and left them at the door, following me up the stairs. A few droplets of water fell from his hair and clothes onto the floor as he walked.

I figured my bedroom was a strange place to talk, and hesitated outside of it. There was nowhere else we could have talked privately, though, so I entered and stood awkwardly in the middle of the room. He remained close to my bedroom door, which was wide open. He barely moved. He didn't look around my room as I had expected him to, having never been in here before. His eyes were on me, and he blinked slowly. Then I knew that there was something really wrong.

"What is it?" I asked in a small voice.

I noticed his hands were shaking. He clasped them together to cover it up. "I didn't know who else to go to," he started, his voice still sounding strange and not at all like him. His eyes were glazed over. "You're the only one I want to talk to."

"Sirius, what's wrong?" I said suspiciously.

His face contorted, and then I realized that tears had started dripping from his eyes. I had never seen him cry before, and the reason behind his crying worried me. He let out a strangled sob and put his hand in front of his mouth to muffle the sound.

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