Chapter Sixteen

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"Then Professor Sprout asked me, 'Did you forget your head as well?' and I said, 'No, but I'm pretty sure I forgot my ear or something,'" said Corey as he explained to James, Sirius, Remus, Peter and I what had happened when he'd forgotten to bring his textbook to Herbology class.

The boys burst out laughing and I did as well, despite my attempts to conceal my amusement.

We were once again monopolizing the entire couch in the Gryffindor common room. Remus, Corey, James and I were squashed on the couch while Sirius and Peter sat on top of it.

"You are becoming quite cheeky, you know that?" I said disapprovingly to my brother, chuckling nonetheless.

He grinned right back. Corey really enjoyed the attention he got from the older boys, who thought he was funny and always listened to the stories he had. He was beginning to get on quite well with my friends.

James ruffled Corey's hair. "You're going to prank with us sometime," he told him.

"Woah, no, you are not bringing my intelligent, innocent brother with a very good reputation among teachers into your prank life," I said immediately, holding my hands up.

"Why not? We brought you into it," Sirius pointed out.

"Just because I helped you guys with a prank once—"

"Twice," Remus corrected.

"—twice, doesn't mean I'm involved in your life full of pranks!"

"What did you help with?" Corey asked me. "I would've thought you'd ruin a prank if you got involved with it!"

"Hey! That's not..." I trailed off, deciding I wasn't offended by what Corey had said. "OK, actually, that's pretty plausible... but it didn't happen. I actually helped these idiots a lot and made their pranks ten times better. I taught them how to do non-verbal spells to Transfigure the food in the Great Hall into Flobberworms last year."

"Can you teach me how to do non-verbal spells?" Corey asked.


"So what other prank did you help with?" he said to me inquisitively.

"Remember when everyone turned into McGonagall?" Peter asked. "She helped us with that prank. And I'd have to say that it was, by far, our best prank yet."

"Yeah, and she didn't even get in trouble for either of these pranks," Sirius complained, pointing at me with his thumb. "Has never gotten a detention in her life... How is that even possible?"

"I've never had a detention either," said Corey.

"Even I've gotten detention, and I'm supposedly a prefect," said Remus.

"Supposedly? You are a prefect!" James yelled.

"Yes, but we can all agree that I'm not a very good one... I never get you guys in trouble for anything!"

"I don't know many people who have never gotten detentions in their entire lives," said Sirius, pretending to stroke his invisible beard. "It's a Reynolds family thing?" he suggested.

Corey and I looked at each other and snorted.

"Yeah, right," I said sarcastically. "Because Ainsley's never had detention before."

"Ooh, what'd she do to earn a detention?" James asked.

"You say it like it's a reward, something you have to earn," I said, rolling my eyes. "Well, for your information, Ainsley's reasons for getting detention aren't the same as your reasons. She doesn't care enough to prank people because she's too lazy. She doesn't talk back to teachers or show up late to class. The detentions she's gotten were for handing in homework assignments late... or not at all."

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