Chapter Nineteen

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"How was your first Arithmancy class of sixth year?" Remus asked.

Remus and I sat in the Gryffindor common room later on that day. I looked up from the book I was reading to see him raising his eyebrows as he continued to speak and question me.

"I heard some other people in our year talking and they said that it was extremely difficult so far... that you all got a lot of homework and such... so?"

The truth was, N.E.W.T.-level Arithmancy had proved to be quite difficult, but it was still one of my three favourite classes and the harder a lesson got, the more interested I tended to become.

"It was fine," I replied simply.

"Fine?" he asked.

"It was good."

"Just good?"

"Moony, are you trying to get me to admit something was difficult for me?" I asked, feigning shock.

"Yes." He smirked at me.

"That will never happen," I said, lifting my chin in defiance. "Don't even try."

"Er... excuse me?" a young girl's voice interrupted our conversation politely. Remus and I looked up to see Isla Clarke, one of the first-years who had introduced herself to us at the start-of-term feast. "Can you help us with this spell? We've been having a little trouble with it in Charms class, and it's so annoying because everyone else seems to have gotten it!"

"Of course!" said Remus. "What spell is it? Oh... that one," he noted when he saw Isla and another girl sitting at the table, each of their wands pointed at a feather in front of them.

"Wait, what are your names again?" asked Isla. "Sorry, I'm really, really bad with names and I've just had so many to remember lately... I accidentally called Professor Flitwick 'Professor Flytrick' yesterday... Very embarrassing."

"Bianca and Remus," I said, smiling at her as I pointed from myself to Remus. "And you're Isla, right?"

She nodded.

"What about you?" I asked the girl sitting next to her.

"M-Muriel," she squeaked.

"Sorry about her, she's very shy," said Isla as Muriel blushed. "She was scared to ask older students because she thinks you're all intimidating and scary, but I told her that I've met you before and that you were nice—ouch!"

Muriel had hit Isla lightly on the shoulder with a book and gave her a stern glare, as though instructing her to stop talking.

"Sorry, sorry! Oops, I've said too much... Anyway, back to the spell," said Isla quickly, shaking her head.

"Try it again, let's see how you do," I suggested. "Then we can tell you what to improve."

Isla opened her mouth and pointed her wand at the feather once again, saying, "Wingardium leviosa."

The feather didn't budge.

"OK, so first off, it's all about the movement of the wand," I said.

Remus and I both pulled our wands out of our pockets and recited together, "Swish and flick."

"You've got to flourish your wand just the right amount," Remus explained patiently. "Don't keep it too still, but don't exaggerate the movement either."

"Ooh, what are we doing?" a voice interrupted.

Remus and I turned around to see Sirius, James and Peter walking over to us.

"We're helping them with the Levitation Charm," Remus replied.

"Can I help, too?" Sirius said eagerly. Without waiting for a response, he knelt down next to the two first-year girls and began instructing them. "First off, you've got to hold your wands between your middle and ring fingers."

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