Chapter Eleven

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The minute I climbed through the portrait hole after giving the Fat Lady the new password, Ectoplasm, a sort of warmth greeted me. It was the kind of warmth that made me feel like I was, in a sense, finally home after having been away from where I truly belonged for a long time. The Gryffindor colours, which were an assortment of different shades of red and burgundy, welcomed me and flooded my vision. The entire room was filled with warm colours of the sort; and that included the roaring fire in the very middle of the common room.

My fingers idly played with the note that Regulus had given me. I hesitantly pulled it out of my pocket, knowing that it was definitely written in invisible ink, so I wouldn't need to worry about anyone seeing.

"I'm not tired," Sirius complained as everyone else headed up to their dormitories.

"Me neither," James groaned. He suddenly seemed to get an idea and quirked his eyebrow upwards. "Perhaps we should go for a drink at the Three Broomsticks," he suggested, biting his bottom lip and wiggling his eyebrows.

"No!" I said immediately, causing a few people to turn around and look at me in alarm. "Did you even hear what Dumbledore said about not sneaking out of the castle?" I continued, the last two words coming out as a frantic hiss.

"Nope, I didn't hear anything... Padfoot?"


"So that settles it, then."

"No, it doesn't settle it," said Remus, glaring at his two smirking friends. "C'mon, guys, normally I'd be all for it, but after what happened today on the train... I wouldn't want to risk it. There could be Death Eaters prowling around anywhere, and you guys are both 'blood traitors'!"

"Exactly!" said James, throwing his arms up in exasperation. "The threat of death makes everything more interesting and exciting."

Remus and I both stared at James, our mouths dropping open.

"James," I enunciated after gaping at him for a couple seconds, "that was positively the most idiotic thing you have ever said."

"Well, I think Pete should get the final say about what we do. Peter?" Sirius turned to face his small friend, who was purple in the face from having eaten so much food at the feast, but was still attempting to stuff more treacle tart that he'd taken from the table into his mouth. His hand, which was holding treacle tart, stopped halfway towards his mouth as he heard his name. His eyes darted apprehensively towards the four of us.

"What?" he asked, dumbfounded.

"Yeah, Wormtail, you get to decide whether they use the secret passageway to get into Hogsmeade after Dumbledore specifically said not to in his speech," said Remus calmly, crossing his arms.

Peter's eyes appeared to bulge out of his head. He blinked at us for a moment while James and Sirius wiggled their eyebrows at him, egging him on. I shot Peter an angry glare and mimed cutting my own throat with my hand, jokingly threatening him.

He appeared scared and gulped, before finally replying, "Er... it is kind of late and maybe we should just be going to bed or... something...?"

I nodded in approval. "Good job, Pete. I'm glad you're finally being logical," I said, patting his arm.

"Yes, it's bedtime, children," said Remus smugly, weaving his fingers through James's and Sirius's hair. They both grumbled something inaudible.

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