Chapter Twenty

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"Don't you think it'll be a tad bit awkward if they find out I was in on it?" I asked, tapping my chin in thought.

James and Sirius were carefully putting itching powder all over the uniforms of Lily, Marlene and Alice, making sure not to get any on their skin or their own clothes. Peter lay on the floor, the Marauder's Map in hand, watching the girls' dots to make sure they weren't coming back to the dormitories yet. Remus was sitting on the windowsill, looking out the window; he was the one who replied.

"No, you don't have to tell them you knew about it."

"I suppose that's true... But they'll know that I knew about it since I'm the only one not being pranked," I pointed out.

"Are you asking us to prank you as well?" Sirius asked suddenly, moving from Marlene's trunk to Lily's. There was a suggestive tone to his voice.


"Either we prank you as well, just to keep their suspicions off of you... or you suffer the consequences of them knowing you were in on it. Your choice," said James, shrugging indifferently.

"Fine, I'll let them hate me," I said. "Besides, it's not like any of them particularly cared for me anyway."

Peter jerked his head up to look at me. "Yeah, that's the way to think. Since when do you, Bianca Reynolds, care if people hate you?" he asked rhetorically.

"Exactly, Wormy. Glad you know me." I winked at him.

Peter looked down at the Map again after grinning at me. He resumed his previous task and his eyes followed the dots on it. He laid absently on one of the beds, which happened to be Marlene's, and placed the Map in his lap.

Suddenly, his face flushed, and he yelled out, "Oh, I think they're heading up here! Hurry up!"

James and Sirius, both startled, worked faster, apparently determined to finish the prank rather than just abandoning it. They looked completely flustered until Peter, scratching his eyebrow, said, "Oh... wait... false alarm. They're going the opposite way."

James hit himself in the forehead while sighing in relief. "Gosh, Peter, you had me scared for a minute there! I'm not ready to die yet, as I would've if the girls came in to find us looking through their trunks and putting itching powder all over their clothes."

"Please, James, you're going to end up brutally murdered tomorrow anyway, when they come to breakfast itching all over... What's the difference?" Remus asked, putting his head in his hands and giving James an innocent smile.

"Oh, hush up, Moony, and come help us," James ordered. "Stop lounging around and being lazy."

"I'm not sitting here because I'm lazy, I just don't want to get my hands dirty. Now, I can truthfully say I didn't do it if asked. Technically, I didn't carry out the prank... I only planned it out; there is a huge difference."

James rolled his eyes and turned away from the prefect. Sirius, however, grabbed something from one of the trunks and chucked it at Remus, who let out a dramatic and high-pitched scream.

I scowled at the boys, who were laughing, and made my way towards the bra that was lying on the floor.

"Wha—SIRIUS!" I yelled at him in a scolding manner. "You are not allowed to touch that stuff! That is girl—property—personal—stuff—argh just no!" I continued as I struggled to find the right words.

I used my wand to levitate it from the floor guide it back into Lily's trunk, glaring at the four boys as they continued chuckling.

"Immature gits," I muttered under my breath.

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