1. He doesn't exist

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Lydia's pov:
"This is un-real." I giggle, opening my arms wide and twirling.
"Snow? In California and in December?" Scott says, laughing at my child like actions.
"It's Stiles." Allison states, flipping a page in her book.

I stop what I'm doing, rolling my eyes. Ever since finding out her boyfriend was a werewolf and her best friend was a banshee, she'd been reading thick books about mythical creatures and people. Her latest infatuation: Stiles Stilinski, prince of winter.

"He doesn't exist." I state. A tug comes from my hair and I hold the side of my head before whacking Scott on the arm.
"What was that for?!" He asks.
"You pulled my hair, jackass." I slap him again and he fake hits me back.
Stiles pov:

I appreciated Allison's research in me, slowly giving her hints that I was real like drawing little figures with ice on her window. But she doubted herself, not fully believing so she never actually saw me.

"He doesn't exist." Lydia says blandly. I tug at her hair with a chuckle and she turns to Scott, completely looking through me. Her hand runs through my body as she whacks Scott and I watch her longingly. I was in love with a girl who couldn't even see me, the touch of her skin through my body instantly warming me.

"Lydia..." I whisper, hoping she would hear but she turns away from Scott, laughing. I take a deep breath, trying not to sadden myself as I clear my throat.
"Allison!" I say louder and her head pops up, looking in my general direction. She was the only one who could kind of remotely hear me (being as she partially believed) and I found that kind of odd, thinking Lydia would be able to hear me due to her banshee ears.

"What?" Lydia asks Allison, referring to her looking towards me.
"You shouldn't say you don't believe in him." Allison defends, burying her nose back in her book with a sly grin.
"Why? Is he here?" Scott teases. I go to tug on his hair, like I had Lydia's, but my hand passes through his head.

That was the thing: Scott didn't even remotely believe in me whereas even a pea sized portion of Lydia believed. And that gave me hope, as small as it was.
"Yes, actually, I think he is." Allison glares at her boyfriend. Lydia and Scott exchange annoyed glances.

I walk a little away from them, creating a fair sized snowball in my hand. Slowly, I raise my arm over my head, aiming directly towards Scott but something stops me; I can feel Allison's eyes digging into the back of my skin and I turn to see her staring directly at me. Not through me, at me.

"Allison?" I ask and she nods, slightly frightened. The snowball falls out of my hands and I glance around, just to be sure she wasn't still looking through me.
"You see me?" I ask and once again, a scared nod. I let out a scoff of amazement along with a smile, stepping towards her. I wave my hand in front of her face, her eyes following it intently.

She stops my motions, grabbing onto my wrist and I shiver at her warmth.
"What the hell are you doing Allison?" Scott asks but she shushes him, standing from her place. She seems generally intrigued in me, looking me up and down as I grin all the while. After a moment of observing she steps back, taking in the full picture.

My tattered jeans, pale skin, dark hair, one size too large converse. I looked like any normal teenager. She continues to just stare at me and I catch on, raising my hand in a "give me" motion and a snowball forms in my palm. Allison smiles brightly, watching as I toss it in the air a few times before chucking it at Scott.

He exclaims in protest, wiping the snow off of his jacket and blaming Allison causing her to laugh.
"Nice to meet you." Allison says through her dying laughter, holding out her hand and I gladly shake it, once again shivering from the warmth of her touch.

"Your warm." I smile widely causing Allison to do the same. The trio of friends start to walk towards a large rock in the middle of the woods and, like always, I trail behind although this time Allison would glance back at me occasionally. I make the snow fall harder, watching as Lydia lies back on the large rock to watch it fall. I think to try and make her hear me again but, eventually decide against it.

Authors note:
Short first chapter but whatevs. If you came from my other story Neighboring, welcome! Nice to see you again! If you just randomly found this story, nice to meet you! This is going to be a winter based Stydia story and I will be posting everyday of December until it is January!
Comment, read, enjoy!

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