8. Fiction

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Lydia's pov:
Stiles Stilinski, an fictional character from the classic school book: A Snowy Christmas. All students were required to read the novel until 1942 when a petition was signed claiming the death of the main character was too gruesome for-
"Wait, stop." Allison cuts me off as I read the main passage from the book.
"Gruesome death?" She questions and I roll my eyes.

"I was getting there, Alli!" I exaggerate and she settles back into her chair.
The main plot of the novel is the Prince of winter holds information of the whereabouts of the neighboring kings missing daughter. The King stole Stiles and kept him prisoner for months, only feeding him leftover scraps if anything at all. Eventually, the king got tired of not receiving answers and started to torture the prince until slitting his throat ear to ear and freezing his body in the wine cellar. All the while, the daughter ran away to be with the prince because they fell in love.

I quickly close the book, the thought of Stiles actually dying in such away leaving an unsettling grumble in the pit of my stomach.
"We need to find him." I stand abruptly and Allison nods in agreement.

"I don't get it. He's always here. Where the hell could he have gone?!" I groan. Allison and I had searched every nook and cranny of my house, leaving no book unopened and no closet unkempt.

"I'm just as confused as you! He can't just disappear off the face of the planet!" Allison's expression suddenly becomes serious. "Can be disappear off the face of the planet?"
"Don't be ridiculous...but if we can't find him that most likely is a possibility." I respond and we continue to tear apart my room.

"Can't find who?" My mother appears in the doorway and I immediately straighten up.
"Uhhhh....Prada?" It comes out more of a question. As if on cue, the dumb dog causally strolls into the room and my face pales. Annnnnnnnd action!
"Prada!! My baby you had me worried sick!" I speak in a baby voice, picking up the small dog and repeatedly kissing the thing as if it was the only important thing in my life at the moment.

She seems to believe it, leaving the room and I gently throw the small dog on my bed with a grunt of frustration.
"He's always here, I don't get it. He's always here." My voice is faint.
"We'll find him Lyds." Allison reassures me and I nod.

I whip my head around to the source of the voice.
"Did you hear that?" I ask Allison.
"I'm pretty sure no one hears what you can." Allison scoffs.
Lydia, can you hear me?
The voice asks and I nod as though it would be able to see me, making my way to the window as I do so.

Along with the louder voice comes tiny whispers, most of them I can't make out but those that I can see battle cries or shrieks of pain. As I reach the window, the glass begins to ice over but I catch a glimpse of Stiles outside.
Don't bring Allison.
He says and the voices stop, making me gulp.

"He's outside." I mutter, slowly backing away towards the door.
"Great! Let's go!" Allison grabs her jacket but I stop her before she can make it towards the door.
"He's says, only me." I sound unsure of myself. With a huff, Allison drops to a chair in the corner of my room and I put on my jacket, preparing for the worse.

"Miss me?" Stiles smirks and I push him back making him fall into the snow.
"I was worried about you!" I yell at him. He gets back up, attempting to brush snow off of himself but it only sticks to him even more.

"Why? Just cause I'm not at your house twenty four seven?" He asks, anger on the edge of his voice.
"You can't just kiss me, tell me people slit your throat and then disappear! I didn't know if you were okay or not!" I'm shouting now and the thought that my neighbors may think I'm a lunatic crosses my mind but I don't care.

"First of all, you backed me away. You wanted me to stop kissing you. Second of all I can take care of myself." He speaks through gritted teeth, pointing to his chest before turning and walking away.

"You loved her. Didn't you?" I ask. He stops walking, looking over his shoulder slightly as I start to talk again. "You're not real....you're just a character in a book but you still loved her, didn't you?" I ask. He turns around completely now, towering over me as he speaks lowly.
"Don't say loved when I still do love her." His voice cracks and I know I've hurt him.

"Don't-" he can't even finish his sentence as tears begin to pool from his eyes making me immediately feel horrible.
"I'm sorry." I whisper and he sniffles, chuckling a little as he wipes tears from his cheeks.

"I don't always...understand? What's going on, at least. All I know is that I'm not real." He pauses, looking down to the ground. "But I'm not some character in a book either. And I don't get it." He lets out a breathy laugh. "I can't believe I just cried in front of you."
We both laugh, walking back to my house and one single thought settles in my mind.

I would figure out who Stiles was.
I would help him.
Authors note:

Guess who has no idea what she's gonna do with this story and is making it up as she goes along! *raises hand* I really enjoyed your comments yesterday😂 there were a lot of "PLOT TWIST" and "didn't see that coming" and it made me laugh😋 Glad you're all enjoying it so far!

Comment, read, enjoy!

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