2. School

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Stiles pov:
"Ever heard of a berserker?" Allison asks Lydia, taking a bite from her apple while flipping a page in the large book on the table. We were in the library, me sitting criss cross on top of the wooden table to peer over Allison's shoulder while Lydia aimlessly scrolled through her phone on the opposite side of us.

"Men who wear the skins and or bones of bears to channel their inner warrior. Ancient legend claims they actually become the ferocious beast within." I explain, making a fake growl noise at the end. Allison nods, once again flipping a page while taken another bite from her apple.

"Is it cold in here?" Lydia pulls her sweater closer to her body, staring at Allison intently.
"Tell her she looks nice today." I whisper, my attention now fully devoted to my crush. What? Is the word crush too middle school?
"You look cute today." Allison compliments, a smile immediately forming on Lydia's face, causing my heart to melt (if that was even possible for someone as cold as me).

Allison writes something on a piece of paper and I quickly read it: you like her, don't you?
I sigh. "Yeah. There's only one problem." I stand on the table walking to Lydia's spot and poking her head until she swings her arm out, passing right through me. Allison seems to understand, giving me a sympathetic smile before returning to her book.

"Think she can ever hear me?" I ask. Allison scribbles on the paper again.
Maybe sometimes because she's a banshee... I read, sitting Indian style again.
"Look up windego." Lydia mumbles and Allison does. Windego... I'd never heard of those, I think, reading along with the dark haired girl.

"Cannabalistic shape shifters?" Allison questions. Lydia shrugs before once again shivering.
"I have a question." Lydia says, closing Allison's book for her. "Is he here?"
"Finally! Now I can talk to him without writing it down. Is there anyway you can make it warmer in here?" Allison asks me.

"I'm prince of winter, not prince of summer." I reply sarcastically causing Allison to roll her eyes.
"So...are you like...dead?" Lydia asks and I stand excitedly.
"You can hear me?!" I exclaim. No response and I notice her looking to Allison intently. I settle back down, quickly giving up my dream of her seeing me.

"Yeah. I'm dead." I say with a sigh and Allison tells her.
"How did you die?" Lydia asks. A pained expression crosses my face and Allison notices, telling her friend it was too hard of a topic.

Lydia's pov:
I didn't know if I should be accusing Allison of having schizophrenia or not but then I again I hear things 24/7.
As soon as I get home, it's like a switch flips, a single voice ringing through my ear. "Lydia." It whispers my name and I look around before heading upstairs to my room.

"You can hear me, can't you?" The voice calls again and I warn it to shut up. So it does, slightly taking me by surprise. With satisfaction, I set my school stuff at my desk, arranging it neatly. When I turn back around, a scream escapes my throat.

"Who the hell are you?!" I shout. A rather handsome guy was perched at the edge of my bed, seemingly surprised at my reaction.
"You see me?" He asks, a little too excited.
"Yes! Now get out before I call the cops!" I yell. He looks around as though I'm not really speaking to him, a grin plastered on his face.

"This is unbelievable." He smirks, stepping off the bed to walk towards me.
"I said get out!" I growl, going to push him away from me but my hands slip through his chest causing me to fall to the floor with a gasp. He leans over my face, still smiling and I can feel my face lose color.
"Maybe I'm schizophrenic." I mumble.

"Yours not schizophrenic." The boy assures, watching as I stand back up. I brush myself off before cautiously stepping towards him. He doesn't budge. Carefully, I push his chest with my finger and it slips through him again causing me to retreat. He chuckles a little, sitting back down on my bed.

"Oh no..." I groan. "Please don't tell me that you're-"
"Prince of winter. But you can call me Stiles." He interrupts and I scream in frustration. This was not happening. I absolutely refused for this to happen. For a while we just stare at each other. Well, I stare at him while he looks around my room. He was quite a sight: chocolate brown hair, caramel eyes and pale skin.

"You're staring." Stiles says without looking away from my bookshelf.
"Sorry." I say but continue to look at him anyway.
"Well stop!" He exclaims and I blink to break my gaze from him. This was going to be a long night.

Authors note:
BAM. That's it.
Comment, read, enjoy!

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