Jared ~ Arizona

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It’s hard for someone to say they’re scared. It was nearly impossible to confirm that I was terrified. Especially when I heard the glass shatter on the front doors of the school. One single thought bounced into my head. Reighs.

But to my astonishment, yet relief, it wasn’t a Reigh at all. In fact, it wasn’t any sort of killer.

Instead, seven men, all dressed in mixed green and brown suits and buzzed hair, slammed down the door to our art room while others smashed down several other doors in the hall. The seven of them poured in and escorted us to a waiting chopper. One of them spoke into a handheld transceiver. “We’ve got five of them here.”

I looked back, watching in amazement, as several other people were pulled out of rooms. Why had we not seen or heard from those other people before?

“Keep moving, kid,” one soldier said, nudging my back. I kept walking, my eyes trained on the front glass doors. The glass was shattered and crunched under our feet as we drew closer. And outside, hundreds of men were scurrying around, scavenging out people from the buildings around the school. A shed here. A house there. Dragging out people and bringing them to a helicopter. Gunshots rang out. Was that just a bomb?

My brain buzzed with questions I so badly wanted to ask. But I kept my mouth shut and followed commands. We got on the helicopter. The engine hummed and soon we lifted into the air. I let out a sigh of relief. But the next words that left Angie’s mouth slammed me into focus. My heart crashed against my ribcage and I felt my throat close up.

“Where’s Megan?”

I turned to a soldier. “My sister! Megan! Where is she?”

“I’m extremely sorry, kid. We tested her, she’s positive. She’s been infected. We apologize.” The man turned back to the window. He didn’t look the least bit remorseful. These people didn’t care who lived and who died. They didn’t care if they killed people or split families. They only cared about themselves. And, in a way, they were exactly like the Reighs.

“We have to go back!” I shouted. “Stop the helicopter!” I stood up, pushing down the aisle to the front of the helicopter where a man was controlling it.

“Jared!” Nikki cried. “Jared, stop!”

“Boy, I’m going to have to ask you to sit down,” a soldier ordered. But I ignored him. My one priority was Megan. I had to get to her. I had to make sure she was okay. I was an awful older brother to allow this to happen.

Ricky grabbed my arm, pulling me to face him. “Jared, she’s infected. She’s going to die!”

I shook my head. “No, somebody’s got to help her.”

“Jared, there’s nothing you can do. Do you have a cure?”

I shook my head. “No.”

“Do you have super healing powers or something?”

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