Chapter 9.

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****Kendall's POV****

It's been almost two months since the accident and I have been getting better everyday with the help of my family and friends. After my first date with Zayn we only went on two more dates and then he had to leave to go back on tour. I can now walk without assistance and I can lightly jog. Both of my brothers had left to go film movies and my dad still hasn't come to see how I was doing.

"Hey mom can I talk to you?" I asked.

"Sure, what's up." She said.

"I was just wondering if dad knows about what happened." I said.

"He does know he just can't stand to see you looking like that." She replied.

"Well he's weak for staying away." I said and turned for the door and grabbed my car keys.

"Where do you think you're going?" My mother yelled.

"To see dad." I said.

I got to the car and my mother didn't bother coming after me because she know that she can't change my mind.

Called my dad but got the answering machine "Hey dad I was if you wanted to meet me for dinner at the pizza place. Call me or text me back love you."

He must have been in a meeting because he always answers my calls. But a couple minutes later I got a text from him that he was on his way over.

"Hey sweetie how are you feeling?" He asked as came up behind me and sat down.

"I've been better, but where have you been?" I asked.

"Oh you know that I have been really busy with the new movie I've been directing." He said as lied through his teeth.

"You're lying to me." I said.

"No I would never do that." He said as he lied again.

"I know that you finished that movie a week before everything happened. You just can't stand to see your daughter like this can you. You're embarrassed to be seen with me because if my legs. Aren't you?" I said.

"You got me. I'm sorry that I've been avoiding you but it pains me to see you in this condition." He said.

"Don't you understand that I'm perfectly fine with being like this." I yelled and got a couple looks from people.

"Fine it's not just your legs but it's that I don't trust that boyfriend if yours." He admitted.

"Why don't you trust him?" I asked.

"Well I've heard that he's a player and just uses girls for sex." He said.

"Dad he's the same Zayn that I remember being best friends with. He hasn't changed." I argued.

"I'm afraid that fame and fortune has changed him." He said.

"But dad even David and Zach approve of him. Look Zayn will be back tomorrow to see me why don't you come with us for lunch tomorrow. Maybe you will change your mind." I said and went to my car.

******IMPORTANT READ******

Hey Lovelies,

Oh my gosh I haven't updated in forever. So the updates will be really slow because next week I'm staying in Hershey, Pennsylvania for four days to see One Direction in concert! Ugh I can't wait I'm so excited. And then I'm doing a whole bunch of other thing along with going to a Jonas Brothers concert too. And then I'm leaving for another week for vacation. But then I'm free the fist and a couple of days in August because I have cheer camp. Well I hope that you liked the chapter I know it was really short but I felt like I needed to upload something. Thanks -Brooke XOXO

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