Chapter 6.

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****Zayn's POV****

"Wow it has changed quite a bit around here. Look our old house is a different colour." I said.

"Oh do you want to go and say hi to Kendall her house is right there." Mum said.

"Sure, do you want to come too?" I asked.

"No it's okay I'll stay here, but don't be too long." Mum said.

"Okay." I said and walked up to the front door.

Thoughts were running through my mind, what if she doesn't want to be friends again, does she even live in this house still, and what if she has a boyfriend. I rang the doorbell but nobody came until I was almost to the car.

"Um can I help you?" The man asked.

"Does Kendall Evans still live here." I asked.

"No she moved to London three years ago." He said.

"Well does anyone with the last name Evans live in this house." I asked.

"Yes her mother and grandparents, but her mother is out right now. Would you like to leave a message for her?" He asked.

"Oh no I will come back tomorrow. But thank you anyways." I said and got in the car.

"I'm sorry Zayn." Mum said.

"Wait Mum where are we staying?" I asked.

"In the little Inn right down the road. It not a far walk from here, you can come back later." She said.

When we arrived at the Inn the rest of band were there and waiting for us in the lobby. Harry and Louis brought their girlfriends with them. Louis' girlfriend'a name is Maritza but we all called her Mari and Harry's girlfriend's name is Paige. Niall has a girlfriend named Jessica but she was busy so she couldn't come. Liam and I are the only single ones in the band so all of the fans are after us the most.

"So who's rooming with who?" Liam asked.

"My mum and sisters will share a room, Louis you will be rooming with Mari, Harry with Paige, and Liam, Niall, and I will room together. Okay let's go to the rooms." I said.

Luckily our room had three beds in it so we didn't have to share beds. I changed into some exercise clothes.

"Okay guys I'm going to go out for a run because they don't have a gym here so I will be back." I said leaving.

****Kendall's POV**** "Pepere, Memere it's so good to see you again." I said running over to hug them.

"Oh my how you've changed." My grandma said.

You see my grandparents were born in the UK but lived mostly in France then moved back to the UK so I call them Pepere and Memere.

"I've just been running a lot lately that's all. But Memere you look not so bad yourself, you to Pepere." I said.

"Oh your too kind." Memere said.

"I will be right back I'm going to put my things in my room." I said I walked up the stairs and heard people in my room talking.

"Dear diary, I can barley stand my history teachers's lectures they are just too much." My brother David said.

"Ugh, do you have to go through all of my things." I said coming in to my room and snatching my diaries.

"Good to see you to Kendall." They both said.

"I'm sorry guys I'm just a little stressed from all of the training." I said lying down next to them on the floor.

"So what have you and Bryan been up to?" Zach asked.

"He's been helping me train." I said.

"Oh I mean other than just that." Zach said with a smile on his face.

"Ew, no gross. And for your information I'm still a virgin. He wants to do it but I don't." I admitted.

"Good for you little sis taking charge in your relationship." David said.

"Thanks, wait does mum know that your here?" I asked.

"Nope." Zach said.

"Then lets scare her." I said.

"Okay we will hide in your bathroom and you will bring her up here telling her that there is a big spider that needs to be killed in your bathroom." David said.

"I will go get her go get in place." I said.

"Kendall don't start cracking up halfway up the stairs this time." Zach said.

"Mum can you come upstairs there is a huge spider by the sink." I yelled from the top of the stairs.

"Fine I'm coming." She said coming up the stairs with a rolled up magazine.

"Okay go in but be careful it's gigantic." I said.

My mum screamed and ran out of the bathroom "holy shit you scared the crap out of me you three." She said.

"Sorry mummy." We all said.

"I didn't know that you two were coming home." Mum said.

"We saw Kendall's tweet saying that she was coming back to Brandford so we decide to come." David said.

"But I thought that you two were filming a new moving." She said.

"Yeah but we took three days off." Zach said.

"How did you get in the house?" I asked.

"Pepere and Memere let us in and Uncle Dean was here but left after we came in." David said.

"If you guys won't mine I'm going out for a run but will be back in two hours and if I don't come back in two hours then think the worst happened to me." I said grabbing my iPhone and went out the door. I never really ran around my neighbourhood when I lived here because I always ran on the school's track. I ran through the park, the towns shopping area, past the Inn and when I past the Inn I saw Zayn leaving the Inn running the other way. "Zayn hey Zayn!" I said but he didn't hear me because of his music. I was trying to catch up to him, when all of a sudden my nightmare came true.

******Author's Note****** Hey lovelies, I know your probably wondering whats gonna happen, well your just going to have to wait for the next chapter. Also, I know that I have some typos, it's because I write everything on my iPod so it's hard to read catch all of my mistakes. I will try to do my best at correcting. Another, I'm sorry if you were confused with the French grandparent's names, I know that it can be confusing for some people. Please don't forget to vote, comment, follow me on Tumblr @girlyfashiondreams and @louisfavoritepigeon, follow me on Instagram @ onedirection_upallnight, follow me on Twitter @brooke_rullman Thanks :) -Brooke XOX

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