Chapter 1.

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****Kendall's POV****

Three years ago

"Come on Kenny wake up." Zayn said jumping on my bed.

"How many times have I told you never to call me Kenny!" I groaned burring my face in my pillow.

"Oh come on, get up its my big day." He said and I flew out of bed and into the bathroom to get changed.

I got down stairs to see Zayn munching away on my chocolate Cheerios. I opened to cabinet to see if there was anything left but there was nothing.

"Zayn can I ask you a question." I said.

"Sure." He said confused.

"Why the hell did you finish the box of my favourite cereal!" I yelled.

"Oops." He said running into the living room. "Can't get me know." He said on the opposite side of the coffee table.

I chased him around and around the coffee table going in circle getting dizzy. But I realised that I could climb on top and jump on him.

"You better watch out." I said standing on the table and jumped on his back.

"Ow please get off me." He wined.

"Never. Not until you get me more chocolate Cheerios." I protested.

"Fine we'll go to the store." He said.

"Yay!" I said and grabbed my purse and went out the door.

"Yeah but that'a going to be happening after my audition." He said walking I front of me getting in the drivers seat.

"Ugh!" I yelled.

"God your so annoying." Zayn said.

"But you gotta love me." I said laughing.


We arrived at concert hall where the X-Factor audition were being held. Zayn's sisters, mom, and dad met us there. Thousands if people were there. Most of them were teens, like Zayn.

"Wow, I can't do this. There are so many people here, there's no way me out of all these people is going to make it." Zayn said.

"Hey don't talk like that." I said giving him a hug.

"Look here comes a camera man." He said.

"You two we are going to film you. Just talk about why your here and who you brought." The guy said.

"I'm Zayn Malik and I'm here to live out my dream of making it big in the music industry. To support me I brought my mum, my sisters, my dad, and my best friend in the whole world." He said.

"Are you nervous?" The interviewer asked.

"Yeah I couldn't sleep last night I was so nervous. I'm still not sure if I want to do this still." Zayn said.

"Thank you good luck." The guys said going to the next person.

"You have to audition." Doniya, Waliyha, Safaa, and I screamed at the same time.

"Ok I will, god." He said.

****Zayn's POV****

"Contestant number 165616 to the stage please." Said the stage manager.

"Hi what's your name?" Simon asked.

"Zayn." I said.

"What are you going to sing?" He asked.

"I'm going to sing Mario Let Me Love You."I replied.

"Okay." He said.

"Your the type of women to be deserve good things You're the type of woman deserves good thing

Fistful of diamonds hand full of rings

Baby you're a star I just want to show you, you are

You should let me love you

Let me-" I sang until he cut me off.

"Louis yes or no?" He asked.

"Mhm yeah." Louis said.

"Thank you." I said my heart pounding in my chest.

"Nicole?" Simon asked.

"Yes." She said.

"Thank you." I said.

"Zayn I'm going to say yes." Simon said.

"Thank you." I said walking off stage.

I ran to my mum first and hugged her and then a group hug.

"I knew you could do it, I knew it." Kendall said.

"I'm so proud of you." my mum said with tears in her eyes.

"Now you get to be on TV." Safaa said.

"Yeah but that's a little bit scary knowing thousands if people are watching you." I said.

"Well how about we all go out for a celebration dinner." My dad said.

"I'd like that." I said.


After dinner it was late so everyone went to bed but Kendall and I stayed up and watched TV. Kendall was resting her chest on my head when she remembering something and sat up straight.

"Zayn I have to tell you something." She said.

"Okay what is it?" I asked.

"So you know how I'm on our high school track team. And I got that call at the restaurant and went to the bathroom." She said.

I nodded.

"Well it was my coach he said that the Great Britain olympic track team wants me in their team!" She said.

"That's amazing! Why didn't you tell everyone at dinner?" I asked.

"Well I didn't want to ruin the night by congratulating me when it was your day to be celebrated. And he also told me something else that's not so good." Kendall said.

"What is it?" I said puzzled.

"I have to go away for a year of training in London with the team since I'm the new addition, but I'm going to come back. Then for the rest of the years till the Olympics I will train here." She said and I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

"Your not going to be here for me when I'm on the X-Factor?" I asked.

"No I'm so sorry Zayn." She said with tears in her eyes. I knew that there was more that she wasn't telling me.

"When do you leave?" I asked.

"Tomorrow." She said in a whimper.

"Let's just enjoy what time we have now." I said and that made her cry even more.

"I don't want to leave tomorrow Zayn. Why couldn't it have been next week?" Kendall said lying her head back on my chest.

"Everything is going to be fine, your going to be fine." I said stroking her head. "Let's watch a movie to get our minds off it." I suggested.

"How about Mean Girls?" She said.

"Sure." I said putting the movie in the DVD player.


The movie was over it was now 2:30 am and Kendall was sound asleep on my chest. Since she did live right next door I picked her up and walked over to her house.

"Where have you two been!" Her mother whispered yelled.

"Sorry Dawn it won't happen again. We should have called you telling that we were staying at my house for a while." I said.

"It's okay Zaynie. Now go put her in her room." Dawn said.

I went upstairs and into her room, went downstairs, out the door,into my own room, and went to bed with thoughts swirling around in my mind.

****Author's Note****

@RightTurnLeft Thank you so much for making the book trailer on the side it's amazing!

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