Chapter 1

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Charlie's POV 

I walked into the station with coffee in my hand and a smile on my face. I have been working here for a month now, I graduated college a little over two months ago making me 21. 

Some things you should know about me. I have long, wavy brown hair and crystal blue eyes. I work at the London Police Station. I guess you could say being a cop runs in the family. My dad was a cop, my mom a private investigator, my brother works for the CSI and my grandfather was chef in this very division, division 204, for fifty years until he retired about five years ago. 

I took another sip before sitting at my desk and waited for briefing. Tim, whose desk was beside me was eating a donut. Yeah I know, police stereotype but come on, who doesn't love a good donut? No one that's right! Well I guess if you are allergic to nuts you probably don't like... but that's beside the point, anyone not deathly allergic to donuts love them, it is a proven fact! 

I walked into the room where everyone was sitting. Within my division there are four girl, and I'm the youngest. Mandy, Erica and Haylee were sitting at a table so I sat beside them. They were talking about the new guy, Chad. He is twenty four and really, really hot. He has dirty blonde hair and really pretty blue eyes. Every girl melted over him the second he started two weeks ago. 

"I heard he just broke up with his girlfriend!" Haylee smile as she sighed when he sat three tables away from us. 

"Oh come on Haylee! You don't think he will go for any of us do you?" Erica asked as she turned to see Chad talking to Brent. 

"Why not? I think we are all really attractive!" Mandy smiled. 

"Way to be vain Mand!" I laughed. 

"Ok everyone ready?" Ron asked as he stood up at the front of the room. He has ginger hair that makes him look like Ron Weasly, he even has the name to go with it! "So today there isn't a whole lot going on. Erica and Brent are in one squad car, Mandy and Tim in the other, Haylee and Charlie, Chad and Hank and John, Greg and Frankie are on desk duty. Keep our streets safe!" he smiled before leaving. 

"You ready to go?" I asked Haylee as I walked out of the room. 

"Yeah, can we stop for a coffee?" 

"Sure, I need another one!" I smiled. 

"Long night?" 

"You have no idea!" I rolled my eyes and walked out. 

"When are you going to get over her?" Mandy asked as I unlocked the squad car and climbed in. 

"The death of your sister isn't something you 'get over' really quickly!" I glared as I pulled out of the parking lot. 

"Oh come on Char, it's been over a three years!" 

"I know," I sighed. "How is it fair that she didn't get out and I did? Why didn't he kill me too?" I asked. I still get nightmares about it. 

"How about we go arrest some speeders?" Haylee smiled. She know that work is the only thing that gets my mind off those awful thoughts. 

"That will have to wait." I said rolling my eyes as I pulled up to the side of the road. Two boys that looked to be about sixteen were surrounded my a group of teenagers. 

"Ok boys what seems to be the problem here?" Haylee yelled with her hand on her gun, this is a bad part of town, you can never be too safe. 

The boys ignored here and continued to stare at each other until one threw a punch. "HEY! Nimrods!" I yelled as I pulled on off the other and Haylee grabbed the other boys and pulled them apart. 

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