Chapter 4

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Charlie's POV 

We still haven't found him! It has been three weeks and we still have no leads on the son of a bitch! 

"How are you going to tell Mollie?" Haylee asked. 

"I have no clue! I guess I'll just call her?" 

"Maybe Haaaaarry will be there?" she winked. I glared at her. She know full well that I have feelings for Harry! Over the last few weeks we have gone to visit Courtney in the hospital almost every day! We have spent a lot of time with each other and when I'm not working on the case I'm sleeping, visiting Courtney or with Harry. 

Courtney is doing worse and worse each day. I think she knows she is dying. For an eight year old girl she is very smart. She absolutely adores Harry. Even Courtney tells me he loves me. Yeah right! Harry doesn't love me! 

Even though I know Harry doesn't like me every time I see him I wished he would just ask me out already! Seriously how many hints does a girl have to give to get a date!? 

Just as I was about to dial Mollie's number my phone rang and her name popped up. Wow that was creepy! 

"Hey Mollie!" 

"Hey Charlie!" 

"How are you?" 

"Good, hows the case?" 

"We are working hard!" I said. 

"But you still haven't found him yet?" she asked sadly. 

"I'm sorry Mollie, we are trying our hardest. We will find him don't you worry sweetie!" I smiled. 

"Thank you Charlie!" 

"I know it has been a rough three weeks sweetie but I'm always a phone call away!" I said before hanging up. 

"How is she taking it?" Haylee asked. 

"Better than I thought." 

"And how are you?" 

"ready to get this bastard and put him behind bars!" I growled. 

"You will. You are the best officer I know!" Haylee said sweetly. 

"Thank you Haylee." 

"And just give Harry some time, he will come around." 

"Unlikely, but thanks anyway Haylee!" I smiled hugging her. 

Harry's POV 

I could hear Mollie on the phone and I knew it was Charlie. As she started talking about the case I was lost in thought. 

Why do I have these feelings!? Erg! I'm Harry Styles for goodness sakes! I can get any girl I want and the one I want is the one who doesn't want me back! Stupid world! 

Courtney says that Charlie likes me! As smart as she is I don't think she knows what she is talking about! Yes I have visited Courtney without Charlie and without telling Charlie. I have grown very fond of the little girl. She has so much fight and determination in her! She is someone I look up to! 

I can see why Charlie loves her! But I can also see why Courtney adores Charlie! Charlie is the kindest, bravest, funniest and sweetest person I know! She would do anything for anyone! Charlie is- 

"Was that Charlie?" Niall asked snapping me out of my thoughts. 

"Yup!" Mollie smiled at me. 


"Drop the act Haz we know you like her!" Liam smiled at me. 

Shit. They know. "I do not!" I said trying to sound convincing. 

"Did Charlie call? Is Charlie joining us for dinner? How is Charlie? Has Charlie got any leads?" Mollie mocked me while she rolled her eyes. 

"I sound nothing like that!" I protested. 

"Whatever Harry! But you need a girlfriend!" Mollie said. 

"I do not!" I said while Mollie rolled her eyes again, "Don't keep doing that or your eyes will get stuck in the back of your head!" 

I zoned out again as Niall handed Mollie a bowl of chips. I can't wait for tonight! Mollie and Niall were meant to be together! Lucky Niall gets his happy ever after while I'm here loving someone who I stand no chance with! Charlie is way out of my league!

You may be asking yourself. Harry you are an international super star! How is anyone out of your league? 

I answer that by saying, again, how perfect Charlie is! I'm as far away from perfect as humanly possible! 

I was once again drawn out of my thoughts when Liam said it was time to go. We helped Niall set everything up while Kat distracted Mollie. 

It was awesome! The dancing, the music! It was so adorable! Nollie feels! Yes, even I get Nollie feels! 

After we left Nollie to their moment I went back to my flat. My cold, empty, lonly flat. Wow I seriously need to get a hold of myself! Is a girlfriend really that important to me? What happened to the 'I don't want to be tied down' Harry? 

Oh, oh I know! I know! 

Charlie. Charlie happened. 

Do I need to scrub my brain with soap or something? What will get her out of my head? 

I groaned and flopped on my bed. Why is lie so hard? Why can't I just ask Charlie out? I mean what could be the worse that could happen? She says no? 

Well I think the pain of knowing I'm not good enough would be ten times worse than the pain of never knowing! 

Maybe Liam could help seeing as his last name is Payne? Ok that was too cheesy and I deserve to be punished! 

I hit myself on the forehead. OW! Damn that hurt! 

So now I'm an emotional wreck and my head is throbbing. Good job Harry! Way to go! You deserve the Dumbass of the Year award! 

I rolled over without bothering to take off my cloths from the day and fell asleep. 

I dreamt of her. No, not Charlie. Courtney. She told me to take care of Charlie because in the next couple weeks she will be gone. 

I sat up straight with sweat dripping down my forehead and pain still from when I hit myself. 

Courtney can't die. I won't let that happen. 

That's it. I'm not just going to sit here. I stood up, not caring that it is five am, and picked up my phone. 

"Hello? Yes I would like to make an anonymous donation to Courtney Parks." 

"How much?" 

"How much does her treatment cost"

"Twenty thousand."



Hey guys! So I'm babysitting and working all week (oh joy -_-) so I won't be as frequent! But I hope you like that chapter! :) 


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