Chapter 8

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Charlie's POV

"Parks!" I heard Ken yell. "We got a lead!" 

I gasped and ran after him to the squad car and drove off quickly, four other cars following us. 

"Are you sure?"

"Positive. Fredrick, an old friend of Zach's, apparently he stayed with him while on the run, caved in a told us. Apparently Zach had told him he was keeping Molly in some abandoned house." 

"What if they aren't there when we get there?" I asked with worry. 

"Then we search the place. If they left in a hurry they were bound to leave clues!" 

I nodded as we continued to drive. When we got there I could see a very old house. It was falling apart, dead flowers littering the garden, overgrown grass as tall as me, broken windows and moudly and decaying wood. I pulled my gun and nodded to Ken and the other officers. 

Ken kicked down the door and the old wood fell off it's hinges and fell to the ground with a loud sound. "Well if they didn't know we were here they do now." I said leading the search as we checked the entire house. I could hear shouts of 'Clear!' through the house. I walked slowly to the kitchen, my gun pointed. "Hey guys I think I found something!" I yelled. Soon enough the other officers were standing in the small kitchen with me. Spare food wrappers were on the counter that looked to be freshly opened and an orange peal was in the garbage beside countless cans of soup and small water bottles.

"This must be what they fed her." Ken said snapping pictures of the trash. 

"Hey, what is this?" I asked walking to a door. I slowly opened it before gasping. A small concrete room was what was behind the door. There was no bed but a few cans and water bottles also littered the room with many mouse dropping filling the corner. Hmm I wonder why the mouse only did his business in the corner? And where is it? 

"What is that?" Haylee said behind me. 

I looked down to see a folded piece of paper. I read it through as tears streamed down my cheeks. "They were here." I said to Ken. 

"How do you know?"

I handed him the letter. "It's for Niall. She wrote it before they took her." 

"Come on, we have to tell Niall." Ken said. We bagged as much evidence as we could and left.

"Well this was a dead end."

"Hay what if we never find them?" 

"I don't know Charlie, but we try our best!" 


"Pinky promise!" she smiled wrapping her pinky around mine. "Do you want to drive with me?" 

"What about your boooooyfriend?" I winked.

"He can go with Ken. Besides he isn't my boyfriend! We just went out on a date last weekend!" she said starting the car, "And are going out again tomorrow." she mumbled as an after thought. 

"SAY WHAT NOW GIRL!" I smiled, "I'm so proud!" 

"Whatever Charlie." Haylee rolled her eyes, "Speaking of which, how are you are Styles?" 

"Good, we have both been a little depressed this week and I'm working a lot latley but we are good." I smiled. 

"So have you slept with him yet?" 

"HAYLEE!" I said smacking her arm. 

"What I just wanted to know! Is he good in bed?" I blushed, "You mean you haven't!?" 

"NO!" I said loudly. 

"Well why not! I mean have you seen the size of his hands? You know what they say about big hands-"

"Big gloves?" I shrugged. 

"Oh innocent Charlie! But seriously when are you going to? You aren't still a virgin are you?" 

"What? No! We are just taking it slow! What with Molly gone and everything I don't think either of us have been in the mood anyways!" I sighed. 

"Court seems to like him!" she smiled. Courtney came into the station the other day to bring cupcakes to me and told me to save one for Harry for making her feel better. She is so cute. 

"He paid for her treatment." I smiled. 

"For real?" I nodded, "Honestly you two are going to get married and have beautiful Harlie children!" Haylee fantasized, "But you know what kids mean! Yay Charlie gets to have sex!" she yelled. 

"Haylee the windows are open!" I scoulded as an elderly couple starred at us from the car next to us. 

"I don't think that will be for a while now! Besides we have only been dating like a month!" 

"Whatever Charlie. But seriously if you don't soon he might think you don't want to ever." 

"We have talked about it. We wanted to take things slow and when things started to speed up all this happened. Besides he said he will wait till I'm ready!" 

"He really loves you." 

"Yeah, I love him too! He is just perfect!" 

"No one is perfect Char!" 

"I know he isn't but to me he is. All those imperfections people see are just make him, him to me." 

"You are adorable!" Haylee smiled as I blushed. I laughed just as my phone rang. "Oh look it is your husband!" she said looking at the caller ID on my phone. 

"Hey babe!" I smiled as I answered my phone. Haylee likes to point it out that I smile every time Harry calls. 

"Hi love! How are you?" 

"Shitty. We found the place she was kept but they were gone by the time we got there." 

"Oh no! Niall will be crushed." 

"I'm just glad Ken has to tell him!" 

"Ken? Who is Ken?" 

"No need to be jealous!" I laughed, "He is a detective, he worked with my dad." I said. 

"So I don't need to worry?" 

"You worry too much!" I smiled, "You know I love you!" 

"I love you too babe! Speaking of which when is your nexy day off?" 


"Excellent. We are going on a date." 

"Oh are we?" 

"Yes, so dress nice!" 

"Whatever you say Hazza!" I smiled. "Ok, I'm back at the station, I have to go! Love you!" 

"Love you too darling, I'll see you tomorrow!" 

I hung up with a giggly, grinning Haylee beside me. I just rolled my eyes and got out of the car. 


Hey guys, sorry my desk top isn't working so my family has taken hostage of my lap top! :( 

Anyways, hope you like it!

Don't forget to vote and comment it would mean a lot to me! Thanks! :) 


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