Chapter 10

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Harry's POV 

I sat down on the couch with Charlie as we watched Pitch Perfect. I have been home for a month now, Mollie and Niall had their wedding and life just seems to be starting to level out. Well I thought it was.

"Charlie!" I said knocking her out of her trance. 

"Sorry what?" 

"Are you ok? You have been spacing out all day." 


"Charlie there is something you aren't telling me. 

She turned to me, indecision in her eyes. "Ken called me into his office a few days ago." 

"What happened?" 

"He offered me a job." 

"Really? Char that's great!" I smiled. 

"It's undercover. For a year, maybe more." 


"Apparently Zach wasn't just going after Mol, he is part of this big gang. They are on a killing spree. Natalie didn't even know about it. In questioning he said he was planning on killing her after Mollie anyways. He gave us a bunch of information and they want someone to go undercover and they think I'm the best for the job." 

"No." I said immediately. "No way in hell! That is so dangerous!" 

"I think I can make my own decisions Harry!" 

"So you are just going to leave for a year and risk your life? Did you ever think about how I would feel about this!?" I said, my anger starting to boil. 

"I haven't even made a decision yet Harry!" 

"Well it sounds like you have!" 

"Oh really? Harry this is a huge stepping stone in my career! If I don't take this job I might be stuck catching speeders my whole life!" 


"No, you're right. No contact for a year will be hard on our relationship." she said standing up. "I'm sorry Harry, I think it's just better if we break up."


She cut me off again by kissing me one last time and leaving. She just walked out the door. The love of my life just walked out the door and is never coming back. I looked out the window as I saw her car pull out of the parking lot. What have I done? 

Charlie's POV 

I angrily slammed my door as I walked into my flat, packing up boxes. It's not like I have a lot of stuff anyways. I just packed what I will need and piled it in my car. I drove to the station (speeding a bit) and walked in to see Ken, he was in his office. Since he was working on Mollie's case he has been here looking into Zach. 

"I'll do it." 

Ken looked up and smiled. "Good, when do you want to start? I know you will want to say goodbye-" 

"As soon as possible." 

Ken nodded, I could tell he knew something was up but choose to ignore it. "You leave tomorrow morning and will spend a month training, then you will go into the field." 

"Thank you Ken!" I smiled and walked out to see Haylee and Chad being all lovey dovey in the break room. Since the case they are officially dating which makes me really happy because they are kind of perfect for each other. 

"Hey Charlie!" Haylee smiled brightly. 

"Can I stay at your place tonight?" I asked. 

"Um, sure. What's wrong?" 

"Harry and I got in this giant fight and we broke up and now I'm doing a year undercover and I don't want him coming to my flat and trying to convince me to stay. I made up my mind." 

"Sure sweety!" she smiled "No problem!" she said letting go of Chad's hand and pulling me into a giant hug. 

I nodded to show her I was ok when really inside I was breaking. How could things go from so good to so bad so quickly? I mean one day we are happy and smiling and the next threre is no more "we". Just "I" and I'm not sure if I'm ok with that. Harry has been my everything for nearly a year now and now I just fell like I have nothing. 

Everything that I have held close to me is going to be gone. I won't be able to talk to the guys anymore or Mollie or Dani or El or Perrie. They will forget who I was and their lives will keep going while I risk my life every day. 

I guess you could say it was my fault really. I mean I guess Harry had a reason to be mad. But I just can't stand it when someone makes decisions for me! 

I guess I just want to be different. I mean my entire life I have been told what I want. My parents, although I love them, kind of pushed me to be police, and although I love it, I can't help but wonder what I would be if I got to choose. 

And I'm never my own person. I'm Jim Parks daughter, or Harry Styles girlfriend. I'm never me. Charlie Parks, loves her job, is a little weird and has read the Harry Potter series six times. 

"Charlie?" Haylee said bringing me back to earth. 


"How are you going to go under cover if everyone knows you are Harry's girlfriend?" 

"Ken said I get a make over!" I said. "No one will know who I am. So even if I do see him, he will have no clue." 

"Charlie are you sure about this?" 

"Possitive." I said as we walked out of the station and I took one last look at my old life.


Hey! :) Sorry it is super short but this is kind of the turnign point so it will get better! :) 

So if you read Fight For You, you will see that this is the part inbetween the end of the book and the epilouge so all this will be new stuff!

Hope you liked it! :D 

Comment and vote! :) 



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