Chapter 14

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Harry's POV 

I starred at the ceiling fan, watching it as it goes around an around. 


"Coming!" I yelled to Zayn. "What?" they were all sitting in my living room, playing Mario Cart. 

"Come play with us!" 

I smiled and sat down beside Liam, taking his controller. "I AM THE KING OF VIRTUAL RACING!" Niall declared as he stood up after crossing the finish line. 

"You so cheated!" I accused. 

"How did I cheat!?" 

"You elbowed me in the ribs!" 

"No I did not!" 

"NIALL! HARRY!" Louis yelled. "Did either of you notice that it is two am and we have recording tomorrow starting at eight?" 

"Shit! I forgot!" I said, sitting back down, feeling suddenly sleepy. "I better get to sleep." 

"Yeah no one likes a grumpy Harry!" Lou winked. 

By the time they had all left it was two thirty. I rested my head against the back of the couch. Suddenly there was a knock on the door. "Really? Who forgot their phone?" I groaned before walking to the door. 

Too lazy to look through the peep hole I just opened the door. "What did you- who are you?" 

Then everything went dark. 

Charlie's POV 

My steps echoed through the large building as I walked. The warehouse Ken told me to meet him at was abandoned, out in the middle of no where. Where could he possibly be? He told me to meet him here before Mark gets here. 

"Hello Charlie." I heard a voice behind me. 

"Ken I thought you were la-" I stopped mid sentence as I turned around, face to face with Mark. "Mark?" 

"Thought Ken would be here didn't you?" he smirked, "Well he is." 

Out walked Ken with a smug look on his face. "Mark I thought you would never show up!" he winked.

"Ken?" I gasped. 

"Oh hey Charlie, fancy seeing you here" he laughed. 

"You have worked for him? All this time?" 

"Well technically he works for me!" He laughed, "You have to let him when he marries your second in command!" 

"Hey losers when is the slut getting here- oh why hello there." a very pretty girl walked out. She was very tall, with long black hair tied in a pony and bright, electric blue eyes. 

"Who are you!?" I demanded, searching for a way out, the only door is behind Mark. 

"Harmony. And I know all about you Charlie Parks." 

"How do you know my name!?" I growled. 

"I know about your dad, headed the police department until he was killed in action, your mother killed herself leaving you. Little nineteen year old Charlie, who fulfilled her father's only dieing wish, becoming a cop. And then you found your little boyfriend and live happily ever after." Not once did the menacing smile leave Harmony's face, "Or did it? Ken here offered you an undercover job, and you couldn't miss that opportunity could you?" her voice dripped with venom as she neared me. "But look where that got you. No friends, no family, no boyfriend." 

She snapped her fingers and an unseen door opened followed by three men. The outer two were holding up the third. He was limping, his foot clearly broken, his eyes were black and blue, his nose crooked and his curly brown hair falling onto his face, sticking with sweat. "HARRY!" I screamed, trying to run to him but Harmony's foot stuck out and I tripped, falling to the hard, cold, cement ground. 

"Not so fast little girl!" she sneered. 

"What did you do to him?" 

"Nothing you didn't do to his heart." she shrugged walked over to him. 

Harry's head snapped up at the sound of my voice, his green eyes meeting mine. He opened his mouth to say something but was stopped when one of the men holding him punched him in the guy "Keep quiet or it will be worse than that!" I screamed and closed my eyes as Harry grunted. 

"So Harry, how are you?" Harmony asked sarcastically. Harry ignored her and she carried on. "Now, Harry and I go way back, almost a year." she smiled, "We were dating but he broke up with me! Not that I cared, I was married and he was just an assignment, but no one, I repeat no one makes a fool out of me! Especially on national television!" 

"What did you need Harry for?" I demanded, standing back up. 



"Yes you. You have always and will always be the target." 

She walked over to me smiling. Seriously does she ever stop? 

"What have I ever done to you!?" I asked. 

"I will get there, it's a fairly long story and with Harry here dropping in and out of conciseness I better hurry up and tell it!" she said slapping Harry's cheek to wake him up again. "You see I'm not much older than you Charlie Parks, I am twenty nine. Nine years makes a lot of difference!" she walked over to me and snapped her fingers again. Two more men walked out of the secret door and grabbed my arms. They threw me on a chair and tied me, making the knots tight. "I guess it all started when I was five. I was a "trouble child" apparently." she said making air quotes with her fingers. "Even my parents thought so. I would get in fights at school, hang out with the older kids. I was the kid no one wanted hanging out with their children. When I was ten I started drugs that an older friend gave me. I got into more and more fights and my parents thought I would do better in a private school, So they shipped me off to boarding school! They taught things like manners and educate!" she rolled her eyes, "It was stupid. You went to a boarding school too didn't you Ken?" she asked, turning around to Ken, who I had forgotten was here.

"Yes I did. I met her dad there." 

"Ahh yes, same school I went to yes?" 


"Yes. It was a good school, if you liked that kind of thing." she shrugged, "But no really for me. I left the school when I was thirteen, had enough. My father was furious and searched for me, of course he had a brand new four year old daughter so I didn't really matter." she glared at me. 

"I still don't see how this has anything to do with me or Harry!" I growled. 

"Oh this has nothing to do with Harry, although he was one of my better assignment, he is great in bed!" 

I wanted to lunge across the room and tear out her throat. "Then why the fuck is he here?" 

"Oh now I don't think that word is really necessary!" she laughed, "You should watch you mouth little sister." 


Hey guys! 

Sorry it's been a while, just getting used to school and stuff! :) 

So shit kind of just got real, you know me, if there is an ex she is coming back! ;) (*cough* Natalie *cough*) ;) 

So I hop you liked it! :D 

What did you think of Harmony? Ken? 

Thanks for all the support guys! You rock! :D 

LOVE YOU ALL!!!!! <3 


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