Chapter 1- Welcome Home

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It was the last day of school and my friends and I were going to go out to get pizza to celebrate surviving our Sophomore year of high school. As usual, we stopped by my house on our way to drop off our bags and hang out for a little while. When I walked into the house, I walked right into an empty living room.


It was mid June when my dad decided to move us again, this time to Los Angeles. This would be our last move and I was ecstatic, I was so tired of being the new girl. We decided to make it a great last move, road-tripping across the country from our last home in Seattle, Washington. I wondered what it would be like this time, who should I be? A cheerleader? An artsy kid? A class clown? The choice was up to me. I’ve been all of these, a different identity for every school I've ever been to. But since this was my last move, I would be a character I have never been before; this time I’d be me.

As much as I loved car rides, I loved being in a plane much more, dreaming of being able to fly one day. In the car I spent most of my time listening to music and playing Angry Birds, looking at the scenery, or dozing on and off. When I woke up, I noticed that we were slowing down, I could tell that we were almost there. I also noticed that all the houses looked the same, almost boring; something my dad always hated.

“Dad are we moving into one of these cookie-cutter houses? Because if so, I will personally burn it down.” My brother Braden said, he was just mad because it was his senior year of high school and he was tired of having to start over, we all were.

“No,” My dad replied with a chuckle, “we’re almost there, Braden. Be patient.”

I looked down the road and noticed that it was a dead end, nothing but beach ahead of us. Before I had a chance to open my mouth and say something, my dad took a sharp right turn and started down a very long road, what seemed to be a driveway- our driveway. We drove down this private road for awhile and finally, through the trees, I noticed two very large houses that shared a round-about, private beach, and an in-ground swimming pool (how rad is that?!)

We had just climbed out of the car and started stretching our legs when my dad pulled us into a group hug, “I bet you were wondering why I drove down this long private road… Welcome home, kids. This is officially our FINAL move. I’m so sorry for dragging you all over the country, I hope this makes up for it.”

I couldn’t believe it, the house was huge. I looked at my brother and sister, who looked like she just woke up, and they looked just about as awestruck as I was at the size of our new home.

“Pretty awesome, huh?” My dad looked so proud of himself.

“You’ve got that right! Wait, can we go and pick our rooms now?” I asked, squished between my siblings.

“Of course, go for it!” As soon as he spoke, we all pried ourselves from our dad’s grip and sprinted through the doorway into the house and scattered looking for the best rooms, “aside from the master, obviously.” When I found the room I wanted, I yelled to everyone in the house, “DIBS!!!!!” I had done this a million times before and I was a pro.

After rooms were chosen, it was time to bring up boxes; the usual routine.

It took me several trips to take my boxes up to my room, and with the heat, I was slower than usual. On my last trip, I was on my way down the grand staircase when I spotted a family of blondes standing near the door talking to my dad

“Who are they?” I wondered

“Probably our new neighbors.” Said Braden.

“The tall brunette is kinda cute.” Zoe added.

“Ahh, the welcoming committee. We better get along with them, because it looks like we’re going to be spending a lot of time with them this summer.” I added before we went outside to go meet our new neighbors…


So, a few notes to whoever is reading:

1. Please, please, please tell others. :)

2. Tell me what you think! I'd love to get feedback.

3. I will be posting youtube videos every chapter with a different song based on whats going on in the chapter.

Thanks guys! <3

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